Chapter 2-

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Isabelle's POV

Bailie sitted next to me and she held my cold hand cause it was freezing and both of them where with colts but me so I just stayed there. At least once every week me, Andrew and Bailie just climbed up my roof and stayed there.

Those two are more my family that my actual family and whitout them I really don't know what my life would have become. I'm glad that I met them. I took a deep breath and started talking

"I wanna stay like this for days,I want the world to go away. Thank you both for being my family. I just wanna start over and be happy. You both make me forget about the horrible world that we all live in."

Andrew looked deep inside my eyes and made me smile a bit. He took me to his lap and hugged me. I could listen to his heartbeat. Bailie smiled and looked at me

"Aww Izzy. You both are my family too. I heard that your Heather is travelling to find a job. Take the chance Isabelle,search for yourself,find your inner self. We'll be here for you." Bailie said.

I smiled and closed my eyes as the cold breeze made my hair messy.

Andrew's POV

Isabelle fell asleep in my arms. She looked so beautiful... I took her hair of her face and I looked at Bailie. She smiled and looked at Isabelle. I looked at Izzy and she looked so comfortable. I slowly aproched and kisses her forehead. She was asleep she wouldent remember anyways. Bailie winked at me and I laughed quietly so I diden't woke Isabelle up.

Bailie's POV

Awwwwww they look so cute togueter! Anyways we don't have school for 2 months cause of vacations and all of that stuff wich means more time to spend with them. I swear to god if they don't hook up by theirselfs I will have them date eachother myself. I'm the only non-shy one here. But their my family,I love them.

I was at Izzy's house yestarday and found a notebook by Madison Blue. It had a picture of a baby that looked like Isabelle as a baby (not kidding) and that Madison girl aparently was holding her. I read some pages and found this:

"My dear Isabelle will get adopted soon

she is a special child,if I only had money

to keep her I would. I wish she'd be happy

My husband and I can't keep her but I believe

someday I'll see her again. I'm writing this to the future

"mom" of my baby girl. Take good care of her.

She's precious."

Yep. I took it with me. I don't plan on showing Isabelle the notebook just yet,I'm not even sure if it's real but I found it so I decide when I'm going to show Izzy. She's not ready to receive such thing from her parents,she'll be in extreme shock if I gave it to her.


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