The Daydreamer - Chp 15 [Breathe]

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660 minutes. "Em honey?" the knock at the door startling me as I glimpsed up. Jen had stuck her head around the doorway and seeing me she smiled sympathetically. Closing the door behind her she came and sat down over on the bed looking at all the books that laid scattered on top of Jace's bed. She picked up 'Romeo and Juliet'. "I never got Shakespeare." She said smiling slightly.

I chuckled surprisingly able. "Neither. I mean in school we read 'Othello' and 'As You Like It' and if you read them...well they aren't the most gripping stories. Yet reading 'Romeo and Juliet' and 'Macbeth'? Well they at least made me think more of him than a mad drunk man who tortured English students." Jen laughed and I joined in.

Sooner than wanted we eased back into our glum silence. Sighing Jen squeezed my foot. "I know it doesn't seem it but it gets easier. Slightly. A tiny bit. A tad...Maybe not at all." She sighed making both of us laugh shortly with no humour. "Come on honey, tea is ready." I nodded heavily following.


675 minutes. "How do you do it? Seriously?" I cried. We sat on the lounge room floor eating pizza the music in the background on the stereo filling the eerie silence.

She smiled faintly, knowingly. "It's torturous." She admitted. "Yet you find distractions. Usually girl time as they are in just as much need of distractions as you. When Jace was little" I smiled at the idea though the hole continued to inflict the throbbing pain "It made it easier with having someone else just as important. That is until he grew up and left too. Yet no matter what you still go to bed alone waiting for them to come back." She admitted her strength flooding. "Alpha's wives struggle more so as they're away more so. Though usually they go with, depending on the circumstances." I nodded absorbing all.


800 minutes. "Oh God he is such a terror." I laughed spread out on my stomach beside Jen looking at photos of Jen's and Lance's, photos of Jace in particular. The photos in a strange sense relaxed me to an extent and I was having a good laugh. "Handsome lil thing." I said smiling at Jace in tuxedo at the age of six. Jen looked over my shoulder at the photo and laughed.

She sighed suddenly after more photos "Em?"

I glanced up "Mmmm?"

She looked suddenly serious putting me on edge "Thank you for accepting Jace, us, who we're." She said gratefully. I didn't speak; I didn't know what to say. "See, I'm not sure if you know but if you hadn't accepted or ran...Well Jace would of died not literally but emotionally." She explained "He would have had to know you were okay every second and make you happy even if it hurt him or meant he had to leave you completely. It would kill him. Usually those who experience it go rouge or things they would regret majorly if they were in a sane state of mind." I felt sickened by the possibilities. "Humans scare at the feelings they experience so quickly, its dangerous waters." She explained honestly. "I'm just so grateful for you Em and how easily you've been all about this."

I smiled shyly "I love him Jen."


1680 minutes. Day 2. Last night's sleep was difficult yet bearable. I had his scent but not him to hold me. I slept in and out yet okay. 

Sitting on the lounge watching iTunes 50 Countdown on Channel V I couldn't help but watch the drive, the phone, the time. Jace had said the chances of finding a phone or services was slim so I was stumped as to how I called him in an emergency.

Jen walked in through the front door after a trip to the shops with a bunch of magazines humming excitedly. My eyes followed her curiously. Had she hear from the boys?!

"Distraction." She declared chucking a bunch of wedding magazines on the lounge squealing excitedly.


1800 minutes. I had to admit this wedding stuff was fun, highly, and a distraction. Jen was excited; she couldn't help bouncing like a child on sugar. Jace and I hadn't spoken about or wedding, yet it was a distraction and I was just looking I wasn't deciding. Though there were some ideas...


2220 minutes. I was ready for bed. Exhausted and aching to snuggle up in Jace's bed.

That was until the phone rang. It was Aunt Lilly. I frowned, I had spoken to her last night filling her on things so far minus some details; engagements, werewolves and sex.

"Hello?" I answered.

"'s Lilly." I nodded slowly, this can't be right.

"I know." I managed filled with dread.

"Sweetie...I've had some news." She managed her voice slow and tentative like mine. "Your dad has escaped prison."

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