The Daydreamer - Prologue

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I'm a dreamer, I'll confess.  

It doesn't help getting hooked on Taylor Swift and having a past like mine. A past where all hope is lost and you become so fragile and broken from those who trampled all over you, were you can't help but dream of a better world, a better future.  

A future you believe that will hold happiness, love and color. A time where the tables will turn and you'll finally be able to experience what everyone deserves, what any teenage girl dreams; an adventure that leads you to a castle and your Prince Charming.  

And here I sit waiting and dreaming.  

It's my turn next....right?


Some things you should know about this story:

1. This story is rated R for a reason - it has explicited scenes of sex and abuse!

2. The indicates the change of POV (Point of View) - there are only two POV's; the two mains!

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