45. Stephen's return visit.

Start from the beginning

"Get out." She spat.

"I'm here for business Chloe." He replied.

"I said get out." She gripped the arms of her chair.

"I have to speak to you about Sebastian, strictly business." He held his hands up in defence.

"I'm sure there's someone else you could speak to." She could feel her heart thumping in her chest, no one else ever had this effect on her.

"You his PR as well as PA aren't you?"

"Yes, but......."

"Then it's you I need to speak to." He slowly approached the chair in front of her desk.

"Well I don't want to speak to you." She tried to keep her voice level and calm.

"Now come on Chloe, lets be professional about this." He stopped near the chair but didn't sit down. He could see the colour had drained from her face. "I need to speak with you as we would like Sebastian to attend a function in Bahrain on Thursday evening, Lewis is also attending. We wanted the two main championship contenders to be there."

"He'll be busy." She snapped.

"You haven't even looked to check his schedule, don't be obstructive." He leant on the chair.

"And you've had to personally come here to ask me have you? Couldn't you have just emailed me?" She raised a brow at him.

"I still have a property not far from here so as I was already in the area I thought it would be easier to speak to you. Would you have opened an email from me?"

"No, I probably wouldn't have opened an email from you, I don't want anything to do with you." She was desperate to just get out of the room now.

"Please, check Sebastian's schedule. The sooner you do it, the sooner I'll leave." He sat down on the chair making it perfectly clear he wasn't moving until she gave him an answer. She let out a huff of air and opened the schedule on her lap top, clicking the tab for Thursday next week and scrolling down to the evening. She knew he'd be free, she tried to keep evenings free from Thursday onwards on a race week, it was precious time for them both to relax.

"We..... I mean Seb, he likes to keep Thursday evenings free on a race week." She mumbled as she looked at her screen.

"I don't mean to keep you from your boyfriend, but it's imperative that he attends. Of course you are welcome also, Lewis is bringing his PA, Angela, too."

"So basically even though you're having me check Seb's schedule, he's got to attend either way." She rolled her eyes, it didn't go un-noticed by Stephen.

"He hasn't got to attend but for Liberty Media it's important he does so."

"What time?" She huffed.

"It'll be 7.30pm at the Ritz-Carlton hotel in the business centre, I imagine Sebastian and yourself are already booked to stay there?" He knew a lot of drivers and senior management would be staying there, including himself.

"No we are not staying there." Seb had insisted on booking them in to the Four Seasons hotel, not that she was going to tell Stephen that.

"So, you've put it in his schedule?" He was quickly getting tired of her stubbornness.

"Yes. It's in the schedule." She finished adding it in and clicked on save. She knew Seb wouldn't be happy about it.

"Thank you." He stood up and for a moment he simply stared at her.

"Now what?" Her eyes rose up from her screen to him.

"Chloe, the other week, when I was here........"

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