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V x Depressed!Male!Demon!Reader
Requested by the great Lonley_Gays!


You sat by the river side, tail dipping into the calm, blood, red waters of the demon realm. Your crystal, exquisite eyes gazed at your reflection, which was blurred by the disturbed waters. You cared for nothing, for you were lonely, unwanted, the "most useless" according to the new King, Urizel, and quite frankly, no one wanted to be a mate- just a mate, for one night, not your mate. That was impossible. So, in the midst of your loneliness, you found yourself both sexually frustrated and desperate for the release of death- or the release from this never ending cycle. It's not even loneliness anymore; it's confusion, emptiness, the feeling that you're surrounded by darkness with the only, solitary spotlight on you. Nothing else. Just that.

You flinched when you heard a loud thump behind you. You were in a solitary part of the Qliphod, where no demon set foot. How could someone be here? You turned your head and found a human face staring back at you. Your eyes widened when the white hair, blue eyes, and striking similarity to Urizen kicked into your brain. It was the son of the Legendary Dark Knight Sparda. He was definitely to be feared.

He gazed down at you with a pitiful, mocking gaze. You were weak, and you knew that, and the Son of Sparda could sense that, too— so much so that he didn't consider you a threat. As he opened his mouth for directions, you pointed down a fleshy tunnel with pulsing, red roots before he could ask: "It's a short cut." You stated, turning back to your puddle of blood.

You could *feel* him shrug behind you before his voice caught your ears: "Alrighty then." Footsteps followed afterwards, a constant decrescendo until the sound completely vanished. That was the first conversation you've had in months, and what a waste of breath it was.

After a few more hours, another man came along, one with a mechanical arm and short, white hair. You repeated the same thing as you did before with the last visitor. You pointed at the red, fleshy tunnel with pulsing roots once more: "The short cut's over there."

This newcomer was more resistant than the last, for he questioned your direction. "Why should I be takin' directions from a demon like you?" He asked, pulling out a fancy looking gun that glinted in what little light this solitary section of the Qliphod had to offer.

You gazed at him with uninterested, dull eyes before turning back around. It didn't matter if he shot you. It was better than sitting in silence. Despite the teen's hot-headedness, he turned on his foot, face full of confusion. "Damn demons..." You heard him curse. Then, like Dante, the teen disappeared.

A few minutes later, another man appeared, walking slowly, steadily. You could hear the metallic tap accompanied by shuffles of what you assumed was from a person. They sounded too neat to be a demon with a sythe, but too sloppy to replicate another one of those Demon Hunters. Your ears perked up in curiosity, and your head turned before you could fully process the action. You spotted a lone figure seemingly struggling to move forward. You wondered how he even made it to this level of the demonic tree without being wiped out completely. Because of that simple fact, you didn't find him a threat at all— but you did find his presence familiar.

He walked by you, and you could clearly spot the determination in his furrowed eyebrows and the pain etched into his dark, green eyes. Your eyes caught his, and you froze, seeing an unfamiliar warmth in them. He shuffled closer, and you backed away, the fear of the unknown sinking into your veins. He was familiar, yet a stranger, and you didn't know what to think.

Devil May Cry X Male!Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now