Dernière danse (Vergil x Demon!Male!Reader)

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You sat casually on the edge of a tall building, feet dangling off the side. You gazed over the brilliant lights of the human world. They were amusing creatures although weak.

You grinned, standing up and sprouting your wings to their full span. You craved control, and this was the perfect place to get it.

You had nothing against the Dark Knight Sparda, even though his actions were quite questionable. You believed demons were far more superior than those tiny humans. You felt that this world should succumb to darkness as it once was.

You suddenly felt the floor rumble underneath your feet. You sensed a surge of demonic energy -one that felt strangely familiar.

You turned your head towards the source and spotted a large tower emerging from the the ground. Buildings crumbled in its wake, and your sensitive hearing picked up on the delicious screams of terror. The beautiful sound lit up a sadistic fire in your core.

You watched the tower rise with excited eyes. Once the structure stopped, you leaned over the edge and threw yourself off the building.

You caught yourself with your wings before you hit the ground and glided upwards. You flew towards the tower.


After avoiding being eaten by a flying whale, you silently settled your feet on the stone floor. Your wings shrunk into your back, eyes glowing a vibrant color.

You spotted a figure in front of you. The power radiating off of him told you who he was. He was a son of Sparda, but you didn't mind a good challenge. You emitted a deep purr, making yourself known.

The man turned around, his tail coat fluttering in the soft cool breeze. In a blink of an eye, you had a sharp blade up to your neck. You could've avoided it if you wanted to, but you wanted to see what would happen.

"What brings you here?" He asked coldly.

"Demon supremacy." You responded." That's all."

He smirked, slipping the blade back into its sheath. As he turned back around, you summoned an obsidian colored, long ranged sword from the ground. You nicked the ground before you held it to his neck. You returned his smirk with a deadly grin.

"But if you wanna play a little game first..."

You could sense the grin creeping up onto his face. He quickly spun around, sword slashing through the space you once were. You stood behind him, licking some of his blood off your thumb. He regained his posture and touched the warm flow of red running down his cheek. He wiped it away before meeting your playful gaze.

You could hear the ever so dangerous growl erupt from his throat. You bounce lightly on your feet, feeling the adrenaline flow pump through your veins. You propped your sword on your shoulder.

"Son of Sparda, eh?" You hummed." I thought you'd be quicker than that."

You saw his eyes darken, flickering to a brilliant blue. You flew at you with lighting fast speed. You blocked his attack with your blade, sparks dancing through the air. You broke it it off, swinging the sharp edge to his midsection. He quickly jumped back, barely avoiding the blade.

Vergil suddenly disappeared from your view. You surveyed around, and he was no where to be seen. A small noise caught your attention, causing your head to shoot up. He was right above you.

You grunted in effort to block Yamato, almost losing your balance and crashing onto the wet stone under your feet. His blade slid and nicked your hand, drawing rivers of blood.

He shoved you to the ground, sending you flying into a stone statue. The breath was knocked out of your lungs, leaving you gasping for air. You quickly recovered, shakily standing up.

When he came upon you, you dodged the swing to your head and kicked his feet from underneath him. You chuckled in triumph as he hit the ground with a yelp.

But your victory was short lived when he shot up and punched you in the stomach. Blood flew from your mouth as you stumbled to regain your balance. Your sword escaped from your grip and clattered to the floor.

As you regained your bearings, you looked up and met his playful gaze. Your back was arched over his arm as a hand bent your leg up. You panted heavily, the rain cooling down your hot body.

"You could've killed me if you wanted to." You pointed out, brushing away a stray strand of snow white hair from his forehead. "Why didn't you?"

A dangerous smile pulled on the corners of his lips. "I find your company amusing." Vergil said. "Plus, I might need someone to rule with me."

"I'll be looking forward to that" You hummed with a smirk.

"Good." He growled, leaning your head back and placing his lips upon yours.

You closed your eyes, purring contently. The hand holding up your leg traveled up your thigh, slipping up higher and resting on your ass. You weaved your fingers through his hair, deepening the kiss. You enjoyed his touch immensely, but the lack of oxygen caused you to pull away.

He nipped down your neck with his sharp teeth, leaving marks and small love bites. You shivered as his lips brushed a sensitive spot. Unfortunately, he caught this and sunk his teeth into your flesh. You moaned in bliss, pressing his head further into your neck and sending his canines deeper.

Vergil lapped up your blood and hummed in delight. You trailed your tongue along the red line that came down his chin and stoke a quick kiss when you reached his lips. You smirked when his bite mark didn't heal.

He set you back onto your feet and held you close. You cuddled into his chest and purred softly along with his devil.

"Mine..." You whispered.

Vergil chuckled, kissing the top of your head. Who knew that a son of a demon was capable of loving? Well, they are half human anyways, but couldn't care less.

Devil May Cry X Male!Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now