Tricks and Treats

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Vergil x uke!Male Reader

I've got so many ppl in the comments thirsty for Nero and Vergil, so I'll be doing more of those from now on! Don't forget: you can always suggest special plots! Enjoy~

It was the seventh day your boyfriend was gone for work. According to Vergil, it was an odd job that would take a little more research, effort, and time. He also said that he was going to be home in four days...not seven.

When he wasn't back on the fourth day,  you, of course, were concerned for him. There were millions of negative thoughts running through your head:

'What if he's dead?'

'Is he cheating?'

'Am I not good enough?'

'Is he tired of me?'

'...Did he leave me?'

You couldn't bear to think of your boyfriend, the one you cherished most, leaving your for someone else. It would totally kill you; your poor heart couldn't handle it.

You were currently on the couch, curled into a small ball, Vergil's spare coat wrapped around your smaller frame like a security blanket. You wore it around so much that his scent, which used to be strong, was now weak and barely noticeable. Your small tail snuck out and drooped, clearly expressing your mood. You whined and gazed at the clock, refusing to move from your spot until Vergil arrived.

This day seemed to be worse than most: it was Halloween, and kids were knocking on the door. The first time it happened, you flew to the door, opening it in a flash, just to be greeted with children. Oh, what a trick it was... Your hopes skyrocketed, and you were excited, only for it to fade away just as quick.

After many tricks and disappointments, you decided to stop going to the door. It was already getting close to ten, and the children had seemed to die down for the night. You faced the worst of your facts: Vergil isn't coming home. You couldn't accept it, for the thought of it just made you physically sick, and your demon equally ill.

The short hand on the clock was nearing two o'clock in the morning, and your eyes were sent on the back of the couch, burning holes into the worn, cracked leather. Dark circles were already started to form under your red, puffy eyes, and the whines from your demon started to get louder, playing like a broken record. The doorbell rang, but you paid no mind.

Even if it was severely late, it could be just another teen ready to throw another blow to your sad form. Yet, the ringing persisted.

'Go away...' you thought to yourself, not prepared for another round of heartbreak.

Now, the door bell tune seemed to get violent. This was clearly not a tricker-treater. Tiredly standing up and rubbing your eyes, you walk to the door and unlock it one more time. You brace yourself as you opened the door, but your eyes found what you have been craving for: Vergil, all dressed in blue without a single scratch on him.

You threw off the coat and leaped onto him, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck. "Oh, Vergil!" You cried, burying your nose into the crook of his neck and taking in his natural scent of old books and Earl Grey Tea. You were so relieved that he was back that tears of joy started to fall down your cheeks.

Devil May Cry X Male!Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now