23: Surprise (Rory Monahan)

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A/N: Trying to go for variety without any requests and this one's kinda like the first one with Misty. This is definitely a shorter blurb.

Rory comes home with a surprise for the reader

The morning started off surprisingly quiet. I knew Rory had gone out for work and could either be back at any minute, or come home in several hours. With that, I decided to stay home for the day so I'd actually see him when he came back and we could go out together. It was immensely more fun to do anything, really, with him than without. He had so much energy and liveliness that I could almost compare his active nature to that of a little kid. 

I had a quiet breakfast, just the sound of some morning tv show droning on as the sunlight streamed in through the blinds. A few hours passed before I even noticed and I was still in my pajamas at noon, Rory still out. With a comfy outfit on, it seemed alright to go for a short walk while the house was still vacant. The weather was wonderful- neither hot nor cold, without a cloud in the sky. 

There weren't many other people out, only dog owners who weren't occupied with work. My mind was thinking of the one person that livened me after everything I'd been through and all the stressful situations before that were turning me from wanting to pursue anything. Rory was like this carefree, happy guy who brought me back from thinking so negatively. I couldn't help but smile thinking about him.

 Once I returned home, it was only fifteen minutes later that Rory came home.

"Hey, baby!" He said with a cheer as soon as he walked through the door.

I went over to greet him, grinning from ear to ear that he came home earlier than expected. He was holding his hands behind his back as he kissed me deeply for a few seconds, leaving me out of breath. 

"I got a friggin' awesome surprise for you." Rory informed me, stepping backwards.

"Oh really?" I smiled coyly.

"Okay, guess what it is. You have three guesses." 

"I don't know, I give up...and I'm hungry after my walk, so hurry up." I urged and waved my hands around for emphasis.

He grinned as if he knew I'd love whatever he'd brought home, dimples popping up in his cheeks. There was a clever glint in his eyes momentarily before he brought his hands around to his front. I felt utter disbelief at the surprise and nodded to confirm that he was right about me liking it, not even knowing what to say then.

Cupped in his two hands was the tiniest, and most adorable kitten looking up at me with its big, light green eyes. I was in awe of it and gently approached Rory, trying not to scare the kitten out of his hands. The auburn-haired, and smug-faced, kitten-wielder carefully passed it into my arms so I could coddle it. 

"Told you it'd be friggin' awesome." Rory reminded. 

"Thank you so much, where did you even get this cutie?" I said, still looking down and petting the kitten.

"Funny story, some of the filming execs and cast people were supposed to discuss details on my next project. One of them apparently loves cats and so we went out for brunch at this cat café, that I thought was gonna be weird as shit. It was actually pretty nice and there were all these cats everywhere, duh. So I picked this one out for you, babe." 

I kept the kitten pressed closely to me in one arm while wrapping the other around Rory, pulling him towards myself and kissing him sweetly as thanks for the surprise. Before he could get too carried away with the motion, you pulled away and placed the kitten delicately on the ground so it could explore the house. 

"We need some supplies...and a name for the kitten. " I reminded, trying to hold back my laughter at his disappointed face from when I pulled away. 

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