Chapter Seven | Gentle Love

Start from the beginning

Johnny's POV:

I guess I must have drifted off while Ember and I were cuddling, because I opened my eyes to find her snuggled into my chest. My heart skipped a few beats when I noticed she was still sound asleep. She looked so cute and innocent like she always does, but somehow she looked even more so right now. All I could do was think about what she might be dreaming of. 'Is she dreaming about me?' I wondered inside of my head as I left a soft kiss on her forehead. Deep down I hoped she was dreaming of me, because my old heart was falling for her. It was never my intention to fall in love with her, it just... sort of happened. I knew she probably wouldn't want an man at my age; I noticed a flicker of something in her eyes when I told her that I'm fifty five. She probably wants a guy her age or at least close to it. She'll probably end up with her other friend... what's his name? Onyx! She'll probably end up with him. He's tall, fit, and young; everything I'm not. My heart ached from my depressing thoughts, but there was no use in trying to deny them. It's just how it is I guess. "Johnny..." She mumbled in her sleep as she snuggled closer to me; my insides felt all warm and fuzzy. "I love you, Ember." I whispered softly as I gently tightened my arms around her and kissed the top of her head. All of a sudden there was a knock at my apartment door, and anxiety filled my stomach. I had a young beautiful girl laying between my legs with her head on my chest. How was going to explain this to anyone? Especially since she's one of my students. 'Just think.' I said inside of my head. I gently untangled Ember from me as sweetly as I could. Somehow I managed to get out from underneath her without waking her up. Then I gently lifted her up off of the couch bridal style and carried her into my bedroom. After covering her up with a warm blanket I went to the front door to see who interrupted my sanctuary. As I looked through the peep hole my heart dropped. My stomach filled with worry and fear when I spotted my ex girlfriend standing in the hallway. Her blond hair was put up in a messy bun and she was wearing a long brown trench coat. 'Just pretend you aren't home. She'll go away.' I said to myself. I sat down in the little entry hall with my back against the wall hoping she would just leave. She used me and broke my heart; there was no way I was gonna let her back in my life when I have someone as sweet and soft as Ember. Trisha knocked on the door a few more times before I heard the click of her heels go down the hallway. I waited a few minutes before looking back out of the peep hole to make sure she was gone. When I was sure she wasn't in the building anymore I went into my bedroom and found Ember just waking up. "Where am I?" She asked in a adorably cute voice. She was still sleepy and it made my heart melt. "I brought you to my bedroom because someone was knocking at my door. I didn't wanna get caught with you in case it was one of my co-workers." I said as I sat down next to her as she rubbed her eyes and stretched. "Who was it?" She asked through a cute yawn. When I told her it was my ex girlfriend she seemed interested, and I didn't blame her. All she knew was that my wife had passed away in a car accident; I never told her that I actually had a girlfriend about five and a half months ago. "Trisha wasn't a good person. At first I thought she was great, but she ended up being a total nightmare." I said as I ran a hand through my hair. "What do you mean? What did she do to you?" She asked me with furrowed brows. I told her what my narcissistic ex had done to me. She took my money and treated me like shit, but I didn't let her break me like she wanted to. I got out of the relationship before she could really do any permanent damage to me. As far as I know she's with some rich director or something like that, which is why I was so shocked when I seem her a few minutes ago. "That's horrible! You didn't deserve any of that, Johnny. You're so sweet and perfect." She said as she wrapped her arms around me and kissed my cheek. My heart skipped a few beats from the feeling of her soft lips on my skin. 'I wonder what it would feel like to kiss her.' I wondered as I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer. When we broke the hug I tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and gently stroked her cheek with my thumb. She blushed, which made me smile. It made me feel special knowing I could make someone as beautiful as her blush. We just sat there and looked at each other for a bit, and I actually got lost in her beautiful brown eyes. Everything about her was so perfect, yet there's no way I could make her mine. 'Could I make her mine?' I wondered curiously inside of my head. Eventually I broke the comfortable silence and asked her if she was getting hungry. It was going on five o'clock after all. The both of us were still a little stuffed from the large lunch I made for her, so we just made more hot tea and relaxed in the living room. I had to be the hopeless romantic I am and read poetry to her. I thought she might think it was annoying especially since I'm her poetry professor, but she seemed okay with it. Her head was laying on a pillow that was placed on my lap as I read to her. Everything with her felt so right even though society probably viewed it wrong. I just felt lucky that she was willing to be my friend since I'm much older than her. But I guess she really does feel like we were meant to meet each other after all. "What time is it?" She asked, breaking the silence. "Six thirty." I replied after checking my wristwatch. "Crap! I better get home or my dad will come looking for me!!" She said as she got up real quick, tossing the blanket off of her. "Why can't you stay? I'm sure he'll be okay with it since you said he could trust me." I said. My heart and soul were begging for her to spend the night with me just so I could see her in the morning. "I don't know... I... I'll have to ask him." She replied. After calling her father in the kitchen she came back with a smile on her face. "He said I could stay." She said happily as she joined be on the couch again and snuggled into my side. It would have been an understatement if I said I was the happiest man on earth. But that's honestly how I felt. "That's great!" I said happily as I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her temple, which made her giggle. After a while we ordered some food and watched a couple of movies together. When ten o'clock came around I picked out some pajamas she could borrow for tonight, and she thanked me. "What are you doing?" I asked her curiously. She was gonna lay down and go to sleep on the couch. "Getting ready to sleep." She replied with a slight laugh. "Oh no, you get my bed. Come here." I said as I playfully picked her up. "Johnny, put me down." She giggled adorably, and I couldn't help but chuckle. I gently placed her in my bed before pulling the covers over her body. "I can't make you sleep on the couch." She said with a guilty look in her beautiful eyes. "Would you rather have me sleep beside of you then?" I asked her curiously, my heart was pounding in my chest. Oh how I wanted to wrap my arms around her and hold her close to me through the night. I wanted to keep her warm and safe. "I mean... only if you want to." She said with a cute blush on her cheeks. I walked to the other side of the bed and climbed in beside of her. "If you're uncomfortable just tell me." I said as I shut the lights out and wrapped my arms around her. "I'm so comfortable with you, Johnny." She replied as she wrapped her arms around me and snuggled into my chest. My heart melted and being next to her made me fall asleep quicker than I can ever remember.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! I hope you enjoyed Johnny's POV. Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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