Chapter 96

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I can't help the huge smile that rises to my face as I walk off the stage. I jump on Olivia as she waits for me squeezing her into a tight hug.

"We did amazing." I mutter to her while her laugh reaches my ears.

"We did... see I told you. Being on stage is like nothing else in the world." She tells me as we shuffle back into the gym. There is a screen so we can watch the performances we get a lot of congratulations and complements on our dance.

I sit patiently while Olivia redoes my makeup. More dramatic this time. Much like her own.

A golden shimmer and glitter on the lid. Eye liner and mascara. A little bit of blush. She even pulls a thin layer of fake eyelashes out saying usually she would put thicker eyelashes on other girls but my lashes are long already.

She puts one last coat of mascara on me and send me to the bathroom to put the black one shoulder.

I walk towards the hallway down the hall where the boys are getting ready at. I knock politely. Finding a male chaperone.

"Can I help you?" The man snaps out of irritation before taking another glance at me.

"Yes, I'm looking for Mathew." I state nervously as he glances at me his eyes flashing with recognition.

"Ummm yes... you can come find him." He stutters slightly surprised and taken aback.

"Hey Kara!" I hear from one corner finding a few of the older boys waving.

"Hey." I state happily still off in my post dance high.

"Mattie?" I call watching him with his group of older friends.

It's loud in the room so he doesn't hear me his blonde friend nudges him and nods to me.

"Kara hey!" He states in surprise as his friends all adopt a taunting amused smirks.

"Kara hey." One of his other friend snickers making them all laugh.

"I say you and Olivia. You were both wonderful." He tells me pulling me into a loose hug. We hadn't seen each other in two days. Which for us has been a while. We have seen each other pretty much constantly preparing for today.

"Thank you." I say blushing at the complement. Which isn't saying anything considering I was blushing before coming into a room full of older boys who I might add are currently changing into their dance clothes.

"Hey Kara. You and Unis did really good." His best friend Parker says from behind him.

"Thanks Parker." I say making him nod.

"Anything for my favorite victor." He teases making me realize he is without a shirt. I practically slap myself in the face.

My eyes snap to his eyes as I smile at him before turning to Mathew who has a look of irritation covering his features.

"So Kara How was working on your solo with Mattie here." The blonde jokes I remember him as Joey.

"It was great he's a really good dancer and choreographer." I state while they start snickering again.

"I don't mind but why are you here?" Mathew mutters to me glaring at his friends.

"I'm about to go on stage... I figured you'd want to be there." I say slowly under my breath starting to regret even coming in the first place.

"Of course. Of course. Let's go then." He says pointedly leading me away and out of the room. Towards the stage I realize I'm going on stage sooner than I thought. Only one more dance left then it's my turn.

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