Getting Evelyn back

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Author's note: Characters may seem a little out of character, just a heads up. 


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Once the coast was clear, we came out of the sewers to see no one in the area, no one but the body of curator himself.  The sight of his body just made me want to throw up, even though this is not the first dead body I've seen, the sight is just sickening.

I couldn't handle the sight of the body.  Though I felt paralyzed, someone had blocked my view by pulling me in their chest.  We walked to wherever they were leading me, until I heard them open the car door from earlier. 

When I got seated, the person had released me from them, revealing that person was Ardeth Bay.  A blush had came on my face, making me forget about the body for a moment, he stared into my eyes as I stare into his. 

Rick had just started the car, making me and Ardeth quickly looked away from each other.  My blush was out of control, even if I had very little interactions with Ardeth I can't help but feel attracted to him.  I haven't felt this way for someone before in my life.

"So, what's the plan on rescuing, Evy?" I asked Rick, while he drives.  "Since it might take awhile for us to get there, I know a guy who is able to fly a plane.  With his help we'll get there in no time." He explained to me, I nodded to his plan.

It took us awhile to get to the location and I noticed I was starting to get sleepy.  Most of my energy has been used up from all the running and fighting from earlier.  I was nodding off for a few seconds, until I couldn't take it anymore, I slowly fallen asleep on Ardeth's shoulder.


Third person                  P.O.V         (Small third person)

When (Y/N) had went to sleep, Ardeth looks at her and blushes.  "So, if you don't mind me asking, is there something going on between you and (N/N)?" Jonathan asked him, the question just made Ardeth blush more if it was possible.

"There is nothing going on between us. I just only met her a few days ago." Ardeth tells Jonathan.  "Maybe so, but be honest. You like her don't you?" Jonathan asked, Ardeth was hesitant to answer yet he sighed and answered honestly.

"Of the women I've met in my life, (Y/N) is the most beautiful, smartest, kindest and strongest woman out of all of them. But I do not know if she'll feel the same way for as I feel for her." Ardeth said, he looks at (Y/N) sleeping form.

"Well, she's sleeping on your shoulder without your permission, when she could've slept on the side of the car on her arm. There's a possibility she feels the same way." Rick comment on the conversation between Jonathan and Ardeth.

A small smile formed on Ardeth's face while seeing (Y/N) sleep peacefully on his shoulder.  To him you are someone special to him the day he saw you when you came to Hamunaptra.  He wanted to protect you with his life.

You are the one person he wants to spend his life with.


(Y/N)'s                         P.O.V

I woken up seeing that it's morning, and I noticed that I was sleeping on Ardeth's shoulder the whole time I was sleeping.  He looked at me and gave me a small smile, I returned the smile even if it was small one and another blush comes on my face.

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