Imhotep's awakening

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Third person             P.O.V

After everyone went to sleep, Evelyn took the chance to swipe the book that was in the hands of the Egyptologist, she quietly grabs the book out of his hands and slowly walks away with it back to their little camp area.

(Y/N)'s eye had shot open but not a sound had came out of her, nor had she moved a muscle.  She was now wide awake from her slumber after the strangest dream she had.  Turning to the side seeing Evelyn carrying a object in her hand.

"That's called stealing, you know." Rick said with his eyes still closed.  "According to you and my's called borrowing." She said, trying to find the key from Jonathan's clothing, once she found it she crawls back to the book with it.

"For the record, I blame both you and Jonathan for being a bad influence on her if she starts to steal more often." (Y/N) said tiredly, she turns her body to her left side and tries to go back to sleep, but struggles while doing so.

"I thought the Book of Amun-Ra was made out of gold." Rick asked Evelyn as she tries to open the book with the key. "It is made out of gold.  This isn't the Book of Amun-Ra. This is something else. I think this may be the Book of the Dead." She says as she unlock the book.

"The Book of the Dead?" He starts to question about her actions on opening the book.  "Are you sure want to be playing around with this thing?" He asked her, the book opened when it was unlocked.  "It's just a book. No harm ever came from...reading a book."

A wind had quickly but suddenly came out of nowhere.  (Y/N) had gotten the chills,  almost like yesterday the wind almost blew out the fire, but it didn't.  "That happens a lot around here." Rick commented.

"So, what's it say?" He asked, Evelyn starts reading the symbols on the pages.  "Amun Ra. Amun Dei. It speaks of the night and of the day." The second she started to read more (Y/N) had felt something while Evelyn was reading.

(Y/N) started to feel a presence somewhere for some reason, she was going to say something until.  "No!!! You must not read from the book!!" She jumped up from the yelling of the Egyptologist, she look at him but hear a strange sound coming from somewhere.

She looked back to her left along with Evelyn, Rick, Jonathan, Beni and the Americans had all heard the strange noise as well.  In the distance outside of Hamunaptra, was a sworn of locusts coming straight toward them.  "Run!!" Rick yells.

Everyone started running for shelter inside the city.  Both groups had separated in labyrinth as they ran for their safety.  "Ah, Jon!" Taking a sharp turn running down the halls.  Suddenly in the middle of the ground started to rise up, when it was fully up a bunch of scarabs crawls out to the four ready to eat their flesh.

"Scarabs!!" Evelyn yells.  "Run, Evy!" Jonathan runs along with her. "Go, go, go! Run!" Rick throws the torch at the scarabs but that doesn't stop them, (Y/N) starts shooting them with whatever bullets she had left, Rick does the same.

There was no use but it slowed them down, so they made a run for it following Jonathan and Evelyn.  The four was barely escaping from the scarabs, luckily there was two pedestals and a grotto. 

Both Jonathan and Rick had jumped for the pedestals while (Y/N) grab Evelyn's hand, both jumped at the same time and leaped into the grotto for safety. 

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