Chapter 16

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A/N: hai my lovelies I just wanted to take a minute to thank everyone who has read, voted for and commented on my story. You guys really mean the world to me. I recently hit like 36k reads which is just insane! When I started this one year ago I could've never imagined my story would get so big and you have no idea how many times I thought about deleting it. I want to follow every single one of you so just leave a comment below saying "butts" and I'll follow you. One last thing: pls go to my friends page @YaraBahman and just leave a message on her message board saying "penny sent me". Let's spam her :P thank you all and don't forget to comment "butts" ok? ok byes my lil peasants I love you all xx


"What's the meaning of this?!", shouts Klaus as he storms through the door. I jump up a little but Bonnie remains perfectly calm "I said no one goes in, no one comes out!"

"Klaus can I talk to you outside for a second?", she asks

"How many times do I have to say you-"

"Outside. Now.", she interrupts him. He just stands there staring at her - surprised. I really don't know if it's because she's talking back or if he's just worried for what he's about to hear. I mean - she does seem pretty intimidated. Bonnie gets up and basically drags him across the room until they've reached the door. She opens the door, pushes him out and slams the door afterwards.

Even with the door closed I can hear them pretty well. "Care to explain Mrs. Bennett?", Klaus says.

"She bit herself". Wow mrs Bennett. Straight to the point.

"Bit herself as in...?"

"Shank her teeth into her skin. Deep into her skin", she emphasizes. "And wait - there's more to it", she adds. "She has no memory of it!". She sounds so excited. Oh, wow, deeply troubled suicidal girl laying in my couch, hooray! Oh yeah, I'm also a witch! Fab, isn't it?!?!?!

"I'm sorry love, it's just that I literally do not care at all.", ooh, sassy. I like him.

"Klaus, can you just please just act like an actual human being for just a second?!", she says frustrated.

"That would be kinda hard since I, um, yeh."

I laugh a little but soon after I cover my mouth with my hand wishing that they didn't hear me. I'm still smiling, though. I really like Klaus. He might be a vampire thirsty for my blood and all but he's like the Queen of vampires and all the other vampires and doggies and witches are just his loyal peasants. Maybe my connection with Bonnie wasn't that bad after all. At least now I have a slight idea about what's going on.

"She can hear us?", whispers Bonnie.


Suddenly the door opens and they both enter the room. Bonnie seems pissed but Klaus is smiling. We exchange looks for a second and I smile at him but his eyes roll to meet Bonnie's. There's this awkward silence and I'm really not sure if I'm supposed to say something to make it less awkward.

"Hey, Bonnie, have you told him about that other thing?", I ask. For some reason I have all this positive energy and I just feel like laughing. It would be slightly inappropriate, though, so I try to help myself.

"What other thing?", he says confused. He looks at me and I just shrug and look up, still smiling.

"Operantly I'm a witch", I sigh.

"What is she talking about?", he turns to Bonnie.

"It's true.", I emphasize and Bonnie just nods. Klaus looks to me again and I let out a quick laugh, covering my mouth with my palm again.

"Oh, you didn't tell him?", I say while acting confused. "Oopsies"

"Don't be stupid Bonnie, she's just shitting you. She's not a witch". Shitting, oh wow. That is very not Klaus of you.

"Oh yeah?", I say. "Then how can I do this?!", I say as I do absolutely nothing. And then I just start laughing while they just sit there staring at me. "Come on, it was funny!", I say why I'm still laughing. Goats, I can't stop. "I'm funny, I swear"

"Is she okay?", says Klaus.

"I don't think so, no", answers Bonnie.

"No, I'm okay, I'm okay.", I say while the laugh slowly starts to fade away. "I'm okay. It's just that I don't even know you people!", I start to laugh again. "And- and this whole thing... This... Whatever it is that's happening here... It's all just insane! You feel?", I say. Wow. I haven't laughed that much in a long time.

"I think she's having a nervous breakdown", whispers Bonnie.

"No I'm not!", I yell. "I don't have nervous breakdowns, okay, just... no"

"I don't have time for this", Klaus exclaims as he starts to walk to the door. Oh. I'm sad to see him go.

"Oh no! The queen of sassiness is leaving her loyal peasant and her beloved daughter behind! Come back your Majesty!", I yell. "Wait. Sassiness? That doesn't sound right."

Suddenly he turns around. Ha ha.

"Sassation? Sassilation? Sassbag? lol what? No that's not right"

"What did you say?", he whispers.

"Sass! Sass! The queen of sass!", I exclaim laughing.

"What did you say?", he repeats but this time louder.

"I'm your daughter, stupid, didn't you know?"

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