Chapter 5

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I wake up praying that it was just a dream, telling myself that Amanda will walk through the door yelling at me because I didn't do the dishes last night.

The dishes! Oh, she's gonna kill me!

Surprisingly she's not the one to wake me. It's the first time in the past few months that I actually wake up without her screaming above my head.

When I open my eyes I come to realize that it wasn't my bed I was sleeping on. I look around me. All I can see a chair. And then there's light. Lots and lots of light. But not sunlight. As far as I can tell there are no windows here. This place is empty.

The walls around me are all white. And right next to my bed there's a chair. Where am I?

And then I remember.

Amanda can't yell at me for not doing the dishes. In fact, I'm pretty sure she can't do anything right now because she's dead. Two people broke into my house last night and killed her. And they wanted me to go with them. I must have fainted. That's the only reasonable explanation!

I notice two people talking in the corner of the room. As soon as I see them I close my eyes and pretend I'm asleep. I can hear them clearly even though they're whispering. They're talking about me.

"I'm just saying, even if she was a vampire, which is highly impossible, we would still be able to compel her!", I hear the girl say.

"Don't you think I know that?! How many times do I have to say it, she's on vervain!"

"She doesn't even know what vervain is!"

"How could you be so naive?! Can't you see she's lying?! And let's just say that she isn't on vervain, how was she able to disobey me? Disobey us!"

They're gonna kill me. I have to get out of here.

They're still fighting while I get up and slowly move to the door. I reach out for the knob while they're still fighting.

Suddenly the blonde girl appears in front of my and throws me back to the bed

"Where do you think you're going?"

The Daughter of The Original Hybrid {TVD fanfic}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang