Chapter 7

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Wow, he looks more upset than ever.

"Bekah?", he says calmly without getting his eyes off of me. "Can I talk to you for a second?" he stopped for a second studying my face waiting for the expression of fear to take over and when it doesn't, he looks back at his sister and adds: "in private"

This can't be good.

She nods and then they both walk slowly out of the room and shut the door behind them.

They're probably taking about how they're gonna kill me. I don't even care anymore. There's nothing worth living for left in my life anymore. Everything has been going downhill since The Worst Day. I lost everything that day. I survived and they died. And I was so not worth it. If only I could go back to my first suicide attempt back at foster care I would've taken some more pills, I would've cut deeper, I would've tried harder to relieve myself of the pain that was then creeping inside me. Now it has taken over every last part of my body causing me to feel the way I do.

I hear screams coming from outside the room.

Great. They're fighting.

"She's messing with us, Bekah! She knows exactly who we are!"

"And how do you explain the fact that neither you nor me can compel her?!"

"She's on vervain!"

"Sure. Whatever.", she says.

I try my best to hear what they say but they're not yelling anymore. I can barely hear them talk. But I have to try.

I get up and slowly walk a few steps closer to the door. I move closer and closer until I finally reach it. But they have stopped. I can't hear anything. I move my head closer trying to confirm what I already know. They're gone.

This could be my only chance.

Before putting my hand on the doorknob I spend a few more seconds trying to make sure that no one is anywhere near my room. I slowly reach for the knob and open the door as quiet as possible. I take a look outside. No ones here.

There's a huge hallway leading to more and more rooms. What is this place? It looks like it was abandoned years ago. There's no natural light or windows. This place is filled with lamps and candles. I guess they have the candles in case the power goes out, which would obviously be normal because this dump like one thousand years old. It looks like an old training station or something. I'll take a wild guess and say that we're underground.

Great! Just what I needed right now! It's gonna be so much harder for me to escape...

I think there's an elevator by the end of the hallway. There's no way I can be sure though, the distance is too great. If I run fast enough maybe there's a chance I'll make it to there without getting caught. But what if they see me? It's the second time I'm making a run for it and I don't think they'll be happy about it. They'll probably kill me. But if I stay here they'll kill me anyway. Right?

They could've killed me hours ago. But they didn't. And if they wanted to kill me in the first place why did they have to take me all the way to here? Why didn't they kill me back to my place? Why go through all this trouble if I was useless to them?

That's it. My biggest advantage. For some reason I'm important to them, they need me. That's why I'm still alive.

I shut the door making as much noise as possible.

From now on things will be different.

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