Desert Willow for Toretto

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'Narrator pov.'
"You're such a softie." Brian whispers as he watches Dom cradle the baby. Their baby.

"How's Mia?" Dom asks softly.

"She's fine. She couldn't stop bragging about being the best surrogate." Brian snorts.

"She looks like my dad." Dom murmurs.

"Thank god." Brian sighs as he leans down. The baby wraps her hand around his finger and the Desert Willow tattoos adorning it.

"What should we name her?" Dom asks.

"What about Willow?" Brian hums as he rubs the flowers on Dom's arms.

"Who's the softie now?" Dom snorts. There's a soft knock at the door and Letty pokes her head in.

"Han wants to see if her head is as big as yours." She whispers with an eye roll.

"Tell Sean to kick his ass and he can be the first to hold her." Brian snickers.

"After me you mean." She says with a raised brow.

"Yes, Letty after you." Dom chuckles. The baby giggles and Letty clutches her chest as she backs out of the room.

"Don't worry baby, you only look a little like your Papa." Brian coos as he takes the small bundle into his arms. He sits in Dom's lap and they cuddle as they stare down at Willow.

"We're parents now." Brian sighs as he looks up at his husband.

"Rome and Vince aren't allowed near her." Dom says.

"They're not that bad." Brian argues.

"Rome drove his car off a dock last week and Vince thought playing sports radio would make the baby a boy." Dom deadpans.

"Yeah okay."

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