Life or Death situation in the jungles of Ky-Alexia

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(Yes, That was the actual title of the doc 😂😂😂 I wrote this in like 2014, don't judge me 😂😂)

"Why are you even dragging me out here anyway?" Ironhide grunted.
"Because I want to see Ky Alexia, remember? I have never been to the battlefields of it." Gears chuckled. He couldn't believe that Ironhide had forgotten where they were going and why.
Suddenly, Ironhide  bellowed, "Look o--." His yell was cut off by a loud crash. Sensors started beeping loudly as the ship started losing altitude.
"What has happened?" Gears yelled.
"We got hit by a huge meteor and we're going down!" Ironhide screamed.
         Ironhide scrambled to regain control of the ship while Gears tried to contact Optimus Prime. " Optimus do you read me?" No answer. "Scrap." Gears mumbled.
"Prepare for impact!" Ironhide shouted as he put his arms over his head. Moments later the ship crashed into a enormous tree and crumpled up. Glass shattered as it fell to the ground. It hit the ground and tore up the grass and dirt. It came to a stop in a clearing. Ironhide kicked the damaged door off of it's hinges. Smoke poured out of the ship's engines. He stumbled out and turned around. " Gears." He panted. "You okay?"
Gears crawled out from under some debris and stood up. "Yea." He muttered. He looked around and immediately stomped his metal foot in frustration. "Oh great, we're in the middle of a big ol' fat jungle!"   

            "Yup." Ironhide said. "And this is one of the most dangerous jungles you could ever set foot in." "All kinds of wolves and birds and stuff."
Ironhide babbled on about the jungle while Gears bent his metal neck to gaze at the dull, grey sky of Ky Alexia. "Ironhide, we need to take cover." "Get into the ship and put the door up."
"How is that supposed to help?" Ironhide argued.
"It will save our sparks, now MOVE IT." Gears ordered sharply.
"Oh fine, I'll move it." Ironhide grumbled and started to pick up the door. Soon they were safely tucked away in the cockpit of the ship. They could hear the constant howling of the wolves all night.   

        Gears's optics opened when he heard Ironhide banging away at something. "What in cybertron's name are you doing?" He grumbled while stretching.
"Trying to fix the communicator." Ironhide yelled over his banging.
"Oh, well be more quiet, you don't want to attract those wolves." Gears said as he dialed his hearing sensitivity levels to the max. He reconfigured his hand into a cannon and walked slowly forward.
"What's wrong?" Ironhide asked.
Gears didn't reply. He fired his cannon at something in the bushes and rushed in. A mechanical screech followed. Gears came out with a dead cybertronian wolf. "Look at this Ironhide." "This thing could of been watching us all night." He noticed Ironhide was ignoring him so he stopped talking.
"Haha!" "Yea!" Ironhide yelled happily.
"What are you so happy about?" Gears asked.
"I fixed the communicator!" Ironhide yelled happily.   

          Suddenly, out of nowhere, a huge spider came crashing out of the leaves and picked up Ironhide and Gears in it's jaws.
"Eeeek!" Ironhide screamed like a little girl and thrashed around in the spider's jaws.
"Thanks to your screaming, we are going to get eaten by a spider!" Gears yelled angrily.
They were carried off to a enormous spider web. Then they were injected with some type of green liquid and wrapped up in the web.
When Gears came to, they were in the middle of nowhere wrapped in the spider's disgusting web. "This is all your fault Ironhide." Gears growled.
"Mine?" "You were the one who shot your cannon!" Ironhide grumbled.   As he wiggled around in the web, he managed to get free and started to cut Gears free when the spider came back. "Get outta here!" He screamed as he fired his cannons at the spider. The spider soon surrendered and ran away. Gears got out of the web and started walking into the bushes. "Do you even know where the ship is?" Ironhide said as he trotted beside Gears.
"Yes, I do." He said without breaking his stride.   

          When they got back, Gears turned on the communicator so he could contact Optimus Prime. When they finally got ahold of Optimus, he asked: "What happened to you guys?" "You were gone for two days!"
Gears replied: "Its a long story." "Just send a ship to Ky Alexia so we can the heck out of here."
When the ship finally came, Gears and Ironhide were waving their arms like mad to get the ship's attention. They dragged their damaged ship on board so it could be repaired. They got back to earth and had Ratchet examine them.
"Let's never do that again." Gears smiled.
"Heck yeah, I'm never going back there!" Ironhide laughed.

No spaces between speaking, terrible storyline, god I'm cringing so hard 😂😂😂

I'm literally resisting the urge to fix it and make it better because the point is to show how freakin' terrible I was at writing a couple years ago 😂😂😂😂

But hey, everyone's gotta start somewhere right?

I used Gears and Ironhide because I was reading a Transformers book at the time. It had three parts with missions and it was pretty cringy, but I loved reading it. It was based in the movieverse I think lol 😂😂😂

If you want me to upload my other old and terrible (and also probably unfinished) TF stories, just comment! 👌 I think that there's like two more 😂😂

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