
When he finally came to, all Ediwin could make out was the dying light of a phosphorescent shaker crystal. He held up his hand to block its unwelcome intrusion.

"Well, look who's up," said Minuscule Mike, face now hovering above Ediwin's.

Ediwin went to rub his eyes but as hid did spasms of pain shot through his body.

"What...where?" he gasped.

Mike smiled gently. "Maybe you should rest..."

Ediwin tried to shake his head but could barely swivel it an inch. "No...tell me."

Mike nodded. "You know the narrow tunnel that leads into the larger one?"

"The escape tunnel?"

"Well, it kinda...sorta...fell on your head."

This time Ediwin very slowly raised his hand, tracing the edge of bandage wrapped from ear to ear. "What is it with tunnels falling on us Dunces?"

"Beats me," offered Mike, "but good things always seem to happen afterward so I'm keeping my fingers crossed on this one."

"Just once," coughed Ediwin, "and besides, William would probably beg to differ."

Mike gave Ediwin a quizzical look. "But it led to our discovering Windward."

"True," laughed Ediwin. Though clearly, it hurt when he did.

Mike looked over his shoulder. "I should go tell the others you're awake."

Ediwin tried to do a calculation but his face gave way to frustration. "How long have I been asleep?"

Mike flipped open his pocket watch, did a quick calculation, and then snapped it shut. "Almost twelve hours, Boss. We didn't want to disturb you and couldn't trust getting us a doctor."

"Getting 'ourselves,'" corrected Ediwin.

"Right," said Mike with an appreciative smile, "plus, Mai Mai said your pulse was good and your breathing was regular."

Ediwin grinned. "She would know." He put his arm out. "Help me up, will you?"

"Sorry," answered Mike, shaking his head. "Doctor's orders."

Ediwin leaned back, deflated. "But I thought you said...."

"Doctor Mai Mai," answered Mike, with a lopsided grin.

"In that case," said Ediwin through squinting eyes, "Get me Doctor Mai Mai."


The Magistery of Dunces' new temporary location was situated at the underground juncture of the Palace of Fine Arts and Chinatown. It was, learned Ediwin, the only space large enough to accommodate the entirety of their gang and the pitiful supplies—despite all their trial runs—they'd managed to save in their hasty exodus. The room Ediwin had been housed in was tiny but that didn't stop everyone from piling in to see their now very much alive leader.

Victoria was amongst them but had remained unusually silent despite the obvious joy of everyone else.

Miniscule Mike leaned in and whispered to Ediwin, "she's been that way since the attack."

Ediwin nodded sympathetically, then scanned the room. "Where's William?"

"Oh yeah," volunteered Zack. "Mad Dog got us organized and sent us out for more supplies. We were broken up into three groups: 'food,' 'weapons,' and 'news-gathering'."

"I'm guessing," said Ediwin, noticing the now well-armed group, "that the weapons team did all right."

"Piece of cake," boasted Sam.

Chemistry, Chaos & Steam: A Magistery of DuncesWhere stories live. Discover now