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The Magistery of Dunces had had quite a few emergencies but certainly nothing that rose to the level of what had happened to James Clarkson and Mad Muttering Tom. As such, no one was particularly concerned when Zack and Sam skidded into the rotunda practically falling all over themselves in an effort to get a word in edgewise.

"Boss..." wheezed Zack.

"Yes," answered Ediwin.

Sam finished his brother's thought. "It's Silent Sally."

Ediwin's left eyebrow rose. "What about Sally?"

Sam was still leaning over, catching his breath but managed to gasp an answer. "Says to come quick."

"Something about the reader set." added Zack. 

"Radar set," corrected Ediwin, rolling his eyes. "How hard can it be to remember radar? Anyways, I'm sure it can wait 'til morning."

"No, Boss," countered Zack, "Sally's says you've got to come now, says to 'tell you... something's coming.'"

Ediwin's eyes grew dark with fear at the exact same moment his legs jettisoned him into a sprint. William, Mai Mai, and Victoria followed closely behind. The hidden door leading to the underground workshop was already open. They all skittered down the ladder and made a beeline for the radar room. Soon their faces were bathed in the dull green glow of the screen.

Sally pointed at a fast-moving dot. "Never seen that before," she said, nervously fidgeting with the nobs. "Don't like it." 

"So it's moving a little faster than the others," noted William, "what's the big deal?"

"It's not so much the speed," said Ediwin, voice rising in concern, "it's the direction."

Victoria's eyes suddenly grew wide. "It's moving toward the center of the screen!"

William's face twisted in confusion. "And?" 

"WE'RE THE CENTER OF THE SCREEN!" shouted Ediwin. He sprinted to the back wall and yanked at the fire alarm's pull rod, releasing the compression springs for every other trip bell in the complex. A high-pitched clang echoed throughout the complex.

William was now all business. "Grab what you can and run!"

"To where?!" shrieked Sam and Zack.

"Alcatraz tunnel!" shouted William taking off at a clip.

Ediwin's order, "Don't stop, don't look back!" could barely be heard over the din of the clanging bells.

Fortunately, the Dunces were somewhat ready, having practiced the drill many times before—only never with the actual bell (what, with the neighbors and all). It had been in preparation for a raid by the coppers or an invasion by the Tong. That a tiny green dot could have caused such a frenzy was of no concern to everyone working in tandem to save their collective hides. Whatever was closest at hand got shoved into bags, boxes, and pockets. Whatever couldn't be reached was left behind—as they'd practiced.

The Alcatraz tunnel entrance had been lined with satchels for just such an emergency so as all 25 Dunces entered the tunnel they were handed a bag by either Mai Mai or William and told to keep running. Victoria had gone first, holding an armful of flashlights and shaker light crystals to lead the way.

Ediwin, now back at the radar screen, began calculating the fast-moving object's speed and distance.

"Thirty seconds!" he roared, before ordering Silent Sally to the tunnel. Minuscule Mike and two others who'd been guarding the outer perimeter burst into the large room, wide-eyed with terror. Ediwin pointed towards the tunnel entrance then headed there himself, scooping up Minuscule Mike on the way. Seconds later, Ediwin tossed him to William who tucked the tiny guy under his arm and disappeared into the darkness and safety of the passageway. Ediwin was the last one out. It seemed he'd only taken a step or two when he heard a strange whooshing sound and then all at once the tunnel fell on his head.

Chemistry, Chaos & Steam: A Magistery of DuncesWhere stories live. Discover now