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After having dinner, I washed the dishes, as I then sat down by my brother Namjoon.We were watching a movie when suddenly my brother interrupts
"That's a nice necklace"
"Thanks brother"I smile
"I never saw you wearing that before, did you buy it from one of the shops in Busan?"my brother looks at me puzzled
"No silly, it was a gift from a friend"I chuckle because of his cuteness
"Oh, who was it from?"
"It's acgift from Jimin"I smile, but I then realise that my brother was smirking at me
"Jimin, that's a boy name, aww my little sister has a boyfriend"he says which makes me blush
"No pabo, he's just a friend"I throw him a pillow as he keeps on laughing.I then sit down crossing my arms as he comes towards and playfully pulls my cheeks
"Ok, sissy, I understand he's just a friend"he says whilst he opens his arms, I hug him tight as we both start laughing from how silly we were behaving.
Next day
It was Sunday, so there was no school.I stretch as I head downstairs.I went to the kitchen and made breakfast for me and Joon
"Morning sis"Namjoon says as he comes downstairs
"What's the breakfast today?"he says in a cute, adorable, excited voice
"I made pancakes"I sat as I flipped the last one on the plate.We both start eating.

After when we were done, my phone suddenly rings

Phone conversation
"Hi Ruhi"I heard a familiar voice
"Jimin?Is everything alright?"
"Yeah it is, I just want you to come to my house?"
"No buts, it's a command"I sigh as I ended the call
"Joon, I'm going to Jimin's house"
"Ok"my brother smiles as he held two thumbs up and winks
"Joon we're not in a relationship, how many times do I have to remind you"I blush whilst I head upstairs.I picked a comfortable outfit and head to Jimin's house

The last time I went to his house was when I drank too much and literally fell to the floor after I left the disco, thank God he was there, but the most embarrassing moment was when I saw myself waking up in his bed

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The last time I went to his house was when I drank too much and literally fell to the floor after I left the disco, thank God he was there, but the most embarrassing moment was when I saw myself waking up in his bed.I remember I got up and saw Jimin sleeping on the sofa, he looked so cute.He then started to slowly open his eyes, as I felt myself blushing.I stepped a bit back, as he got up
"Shall I drop you home?"I nodded as I looked down, and yeah that was a really embarrassing scene, I sigh snapping back to reality.I knock on the door, as Jimin opens it whilst he carried a baby in his arms which kept on crying.I laughed as I saw Jimin all stressed with his hair in a mess
"Are you just going to laugh?Help me with this baby"he says as I told him to pass me the baby.I held him, as he stopped crying and smiled at me.Jimin looked shocked as I entered the room
"Jimin, can I have his milk bottle please?"I said still focusing on the baby
"Sure"he passes me it.The baby started drinking the warm milk from the bottle as he then slowly started to fall asleep.I put him down on the sofa as I covered him with a blanket.I get up as I smile at Jimin
"How... how did you do that?"he says pointing at the baby as words couldn't come out from his mouth
"He was just hungry, which is why he was crying, but anyway what's his name and who's baby is it?"
"His name is Jung-hoon and he's my auntie's son, she told me to babysit him today since she had an important meeting"he says as he sits beside the baby.I smiled when something caught my eyes, it was a picture of a cute, little Jimin sat in between his parents
"Aww, is that you"I held the photo
"Yeah it is"I could see a tint of redness
"Are these your parents?They look so cute and happy together"I smile still looking at the photo
"My parents were sure a wonderful couple, but they passed away"I saw Jimin who looked sad, I went towards him, as I sat beside him and held his hand.I knew how he felt, my parents got divorced, my dad ran a company in America, and he rarely visits us, since he's so busy, and mom passed away when I was 14 leaving me and my 19 year old brother behind, from that day on Joon took care of me, he seriously is an amazing brother
"Jimin, I'm sorry I should have not asked"
"It's ok Ruhi"he smiles
"Anyway do you want anything to drink?"Jimin changes the topic
"Yeah, can I have a glass of water please?"
"Sure"Jimin heads to the kitchen, when I hear a knock.I head to the door seeing a woman in her 30s
"Aunt?"Jimin says
"Hi Jimin"she waves at him
"Ruhi, this my aunt and Aunt this is Ruhi"
"Aww are you two dating?You look adorable together"she says as she enters the house, me and Jimin both blush as we then followed her behind
"Thanks for babysitting Jung-hoon"
"Don't thank me Aunt, thank Ruhi"Jimin replies
"Thank you Ruhi"she smiles
"I'm going to go now"
"Aunt don't you want anything to drink?"
"No Jimin"she says as she winks and leaves us two alone behind.I swear these grown ups
"Shall I drop you home Ruhi?"
"Umm sure"we both head towards the exit.We both walked as we spoke about school and everything.He was being such a gentleman.I was walking when I saw a ring, I looked at it, it was so beautiful
"Sorry Jimin, I got a bit distracted"

Jimin's p.o.v
I looked at her admiring the ring, she seemed to like it so much.

Back to your p.o.v
We finally arrive at home.I invite Jimin in, but he refuses it, by saying he had to go somewhere which was very important.
Thank you for reading!!!I hope you have enjoyed the chapter, and I apologise for any mistakes, love you and have a wonderful day❤️❤️❤️

~~~Thank you for reading!!!I hope you have enjoyed the chapter, and I apologise for any mistakes, love you and have a wonderful day❤️❤️❤️

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Is It Love?? || PJ FFOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora