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In India 🇮🇳

Anamika POV (point of view)

The cool breezy wind. The wind waves gently crashing into one another. While I was sitting by the shore , nothing was into my mind except for the beautiful view in front . I let my hair go free to enjoy the moment and my hair was flying in rhythm with the wind and it was mostly hitting my face and my eyes and I enjoyed it❤

Suddenly I felt a hand on mine. I looked around to see who it was when I saw my man smiling at me. I gently smile to him and I laid my head on his shoulder for comfort. He kept his left hand on my hair caressing it gently. We intertwined our fingers.

Mika..... Mika ..... Wake up Anamika 😑

Did I just hear WAKE UP ANAMIKA?

I slightly open my eyes and I was shocked to see myself on my bed with my booster and comforter around me .

Mind voice: Back to reality , Anamika !!
( I told myself as I woke up and sit on my bed)
I stretched my body and open my heavy and sleepy eyelids 

Brindha: Morning ❣ Have your coffee
(while passing me a cup of coffee)

Anamika : Thank you babe .... Morning 💕

Brindha : It's okay. You go have your bath first Mika and I will prepare us breakfast

(This week Brindha gotta wake up and make stuffs before going to the college where else the next week will be Mika's turn)

As I make my way to the bathroom, Brindha left with the cups to prepare us breakfast.

At the same time (morning)


Ouhhh.....look how busy the city is 🙁 Not even a break !! (I mumble to myself)
Suddenly , someone tapped my shoulder gently. I turn around and saw Dwara (My best friend) with two cups filled with coffee in it .

Me : Thanks macha . You always know what I need at the right time

Dwara : Enna da achu unnaku? Day and Night recording mudinchu loosew ahh aiiyitiya??
(What happen to you man? Have you gone nuts because of your day and night recordings)

Me : Hahah.. Apdi illa cha... Naane rombe tired-ahh and headache-ahh irukkunu veliya vanthen... Enga vanthu partha ....The town is too busy and hectic da 😤 Ithe paartha innun stress aagum pole.
(Not like that man,I'm was too tired and I had a bad headache so I decided to come out but look here .... the town is more busy and hectic. looking at this itself will cause us stress).

Dwara : so what r u trying to say now ?

Me : Ahh athe viddu, serri da ennaku tired ahh irukku I'll leave first , I got to go . I'll text you later once I reach home okay. Amma will be waiting it's gonna be 7am already .... Byeeee

Dwara : Bye da ..... Send my regards to Amma too

I left the place and enter my car. I was thinking about her the whole ride. How nice if all my dreams comes true .Enna koldriyee di... Unna epo thaan parpennooo 

(Uhhh she is killing me man.... When I'm gonna meet you)

Anamika POV

After my bath, I wore a simple pinkish white Chudidhar. Then, I went to my dressing table. I applied a bit of foundation, eye liner and lastly a slight touch of lip gloss. Then, I wore one of my favourite dangling furry earing. I didn't have much to do with my brown wavy hair. Not to forget my Bindi.
I went downstairs and saw Brindha waiting for me at the dining table. I gave her a warm smile and went to the prayer room to pray and joined her for the breakfast 🥪

Me : Sandwich???

Brindha: Ya, I'm sorry babe it's late so I gotta rush to do the breakfast...

Me : It's okay. I'm fine. Babe, where's Varun? (Looking around the house for him)

Brindha: Oh ya. I forget to tell you babe. He told me he have an important work to do so he wouldn't be joining us to college today as well 😕

Me : Seriously!! He didn't inform me tho . So when will he be back ?

Brindha : Night

Me : 😨 what night ahh !! Iru avan varathum avane VECHUKUREN!!
(Wait2 his gone tonight)

Brindha : Hehhehe ..... Come let's go !!

Me : Sure.. thank you for the breakfast babe 😘

Brindha : Your welcome ....

Brindha took the car key and went to the car in the porch...
I quickly washed the cups ....Took my bag and enter the car

Me: LET'S GO ( I sound like a five year old kid)

Brindha laughed at me and soon we left the house compound

In Return Of Love :

About Brindha she is really very innocent and soft hearted



Share your pov about my first part of the story in the comments !!

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