Our History

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Two young boys played together in a small sand pit, smiling and giggling as they made sand castles and then destroyed them. Many people walked past the two, minding their own, until a ragged old man stopped in front of them. Casting a shadow over the two boys, the man leaned down. "What are two young'ens like you doin' out here?" The man's cold voice mad the two boys snapped their attention to him, the slightly bigger boy getting front of the other, glaring at the man. "Dad said not to talk to strangers." The boy's voice had a strong accent to hsi young sounding voice, Norwegian. "You have some attitude, don't cha'?" The man's now chuckles sounded from his chapped and slightly busted lips. 

The boy in front of the other turned to look into the smaller's void-like eyes. "Run." Was the only thing said before the two ran as fast as they could the other direction. The man yelled in disagreement of their actions, soon following the two. The man started to catch up, closing the gap of space between them. The black-eye child started to fall behind, his legs not as long as the other, silver eyed child's were. Soon, the small child was picked up by the man, him screaming in fear, causing the Norwegian boy to turn around, hsi eyes wide in panic and fear. "Tom!"

Suddenly he busted out from his sleep, gasping for air like he was drowning. "It was just a dream.." He assured himself, then he realized, it wasn't.  "Tom.. I'm sorry.." The Norwegians voice rang out, sadness and regret drowning it. The tall red clad male stood up from his bed slowly, his covers slipping off, he'll take care of it later. 

There was a loud knock from his door, causing him to flinch slightly. "Tord! It's already 9 AM, time to get out of bed and eat your cold breakfast I made for you!" Then soft foot steps could be heard leaving the door. "Damn Edd, you know I can never get up early anymore.." He sighed and stood up, pushing his messy, horned hair out of his eyes. Tord stumbled past a dark blue door, a frown on his face. "He's gone Tord, let him go.." Tord told himself this constantly.  But, he never did, he never will. 

Suddenly there was a knock at the front door of the small light green house, the tall green brit happily yelled a "I got it!" as he ran from the sofa he was sitting on just a moment before. A loud gasp came from Edd. "Tom?" He basically puttered over his own words. "But how?" A faint voice replied. "I, I don't know?" The voice, called Tom said in a weak voice. Suddenly Tord dashed down stairs, seeing the small brit made his silver eyes widen. "Tom!" His voice rang as he sprinted towards the two in the door way. "Tord!" Tom's pitch black eyes turned white in fear as he saw Tord. The tall Norwegian hugged the small brit like he hadn't seen him in years, oh wait, he hasn't. "Tom? Why now? Did he hurt you?" Tord's words were jumbled as his panic rose, his Tom was back, their last time seeing each other was over 10 years ago. 


Thank you for reading the first chapter of what I hope is going to be a great book! Sorry if its bad, I'm rather new to writing novels and things of that sort. Also sorry if its' pretty rough and confusing, I'm trying new and different styles of writing. 

See you later, AR sighing out. 

Love is Our Pain (TordTom)Where stories live. Discover now