13. Another Bombshell

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After a week from the return of the Vicereine of Territory 18, there was a huge event to be prepared for. Reia who had been the vanguard for all the battles in the week where the Vicereine was absent, was going to be knighted. She was going to be the first soldier who entered as an Honorary Azalean Soldier to earn the rank of a Knight. Of course, this was unacceptable to many of the Territorians, and she had been labelled a traitor of her blood by the Territorian people, with many people aiming for her life. To make things worse, Princess Donnia decided that this was a historical moment for Territory 18, and ordered the knighting ceremony to be filmed live and broadcasted to all Territories, making an example that it was good to join the Azalean military as one could gain status and fame.

Frustrated at Amelia's incessant whining, Reia agreed to let the research staff do her makeup, in which she regretted. Amelia had woken her at 4 a.m. in the morning, just to prepare her face, when the knighting ceremony was at 10 later that morning.

"Keep still," Amelia scolded and Reia tried to look away.

From the corner of her eye, she saw that her Knight uniform was being brought into Hangar 01. Similar to Lord Welstriem's, Reia's uniform comprised of a black blouse with the royal insignia, and a white short plaited skirt with white long boots, and a white swallowtail coat.

When Amelia was satisfied with Reia's face, she moved on and did Reia's hair much without Reia's permission as Reia had only agreed to let her do the makeup.

"Oh, the main character today is still getting ready," came the voice of Lord Welstriem.

Turning to where the voice came from, Reia shot the Knight of Four a glare. She obviously was not happy that her knighting ceremony was becoming something like a propaganda for Azalea. Personally within the deepest darkest corners of her mind, she would have liked to kill the Minister that suggested the idea to Princess Donnia who was at first more keen on a private ceremony, with her bare hands.

Going through the steps of the ceremony in her head, Reia sighed. She was supposed to present her ceremonial sword with its blade pointing to her heart to Princess Donnia. Then Princess Donnia would use to sword to touch her right then left shoulder, and speak the oaths which Reia would have to pledge to, and return the sword to Reia who would sheath it, and rise beside the Princess, allowing her to present Reia to the attending people.

Relieved that Amelia was done with the makeup, Reia took a look in the mirror. She looked prettier. Much more feminine. But the only compliant she had was Amelia was so slow at applying the makeup, to the extent of waking her at 4 a.m. in the morning. Putting on her Knight uniform, she exuded a different aura. An aura of much power and higher status. Emerging from her room, she heard cheers in Hanger 01. It was the staff of Hangar 01.

"Congrats Reia," Leon shook her hand, "I represent all the staff in Hangar 01, you have done exceptionally well, you deserve it," Leon said with a smile on his face.

"Always seeing your poker smiling face, it makes me wonder if this congratulations from you is real or not," Reia joked.

"From Leon it might be fake, but from the rest of us it is real," Amelia smiled.

"That's so mean!" Leon glared, but all the same laughed after.

Waiting outside the ceremony hall, Reia saw many nobles walking into the hall. Among them, was her mother and brother. Feeling slightly relieved, the girl took a deep breath. She was just seventeen, and already receiving a knighthood. Smiling at her own achievement which she never thought about before, she wondered how people were going to address her in the future. Lord Mikasa? Lady Mikasa?

The doors opened, and Reia walked down the red carpet as all the nobles clapped. Looking forward, she expected to see Princess Donnia, but instead saw a heavily pregnant woman who looked just a few years older than her, smiling gently at her. A little confused, Reia continued walking on. Kneeling on one knee before the lady, with her right hand resting on her knee, her left behind her back as commanded by the procession manager at the podium at the side of the hall.

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