Chapter 11 - Bon voyage!

Start from the beginning

"How'd you know?" I turn to him, walking to my bed sitting on the edge. "I'm going to miss everyone, and everything." 

"Life's about taking risks. Right?" Alex smirks.

"I guess so. I'm pretty lucky to get on the show anyways." 

"..and becoming naked!" He laughs, breaking my mood.

"Oh thanks Alex." I giggle.

"Anytime. Besides you're not going to be here with the bad guy breaking into homes." He smirks.

"Someone must be pretty stupid to be break into a head chief of the police department." I say laughing as he joins in.


I was pulled into the biggest hugs ever. Tears gone by. Chats here and there, but the worst part was walking away. Walking away to the car. The car that brought me into tears. I couldn't take it. So I kinda told them to take my to the airport. They were more than happier to take me.

Right now Dad's singing wheel's on the bus. Don't ask why because I don't even know. He sounds a bit mutely, but probably because he's just singing the tears away. Mom's sitting in the front seat explaining how our car is not a bus and never will be one. And Alex is on his PSP, who knows what game. Then there's me. Staring out into the open space. Freedom. Space is freedom, as my professor was telling the class. Everyone has there own definition of freedom, has to do what is happening in their life. Mine, joining the nation television show, Naked and Afraid.

"There's the airport." Dad says quietly, but loud enough for us to hear him. I push at Alex's shoulder waking him up and Mom turns to my father.

"She's going to be OK." My mother rubs my fathers back.

"I hope so." He turns to her. Their faces turn into a straight line as dad pulls into a parking space.

"Let's go!" Mom says as everyone opens there door. 

I sit for a minute with my eyes closed.

I'm actually doing this. I'm going to do this. It's happening.. My life is finally starting.

My dad opens my door as I step out.

"Ready? Do you want us to wait with you?" My father says. 

"Of course we are going, she's not going to pay for it herself." My mother grabs Alex's hand and starts walking to the front doors of the airport.

We walk in and take a seat as dad tells me to come up with him to the check-in area. My dad gives them My passport and tells him I have one bag, which is filled with a sweater, blanket, and my iPad. Plane things I guess. The Lady tells us the gate and my dad takes me back to Mom and Alex.

I stand there kind've awkwardly quiet as dad tells them I have to go. The front desk lady speaks into a microphone announcing my plane will be taking off in 30 minutes, meaning I have to be on in about 15 minutes.

I turn back to everyone and smile.

"I'll be OK, I promise. Don't worry, I'll take care of myself." I promise them.

"It's not you it's everything else." My dad turns away wiping his eyes.

I'm engulfed into a hug by my mother.

"I'm going to miss you so much." she kissed my cheek and hugs me tighter.

"I'm going to miss you too." A tear slides down my face.

"I love you." She tells me letting me go.

"I love you too." I reply.

I feel as if my dad is taking it out the worst. He looks bloated in tears. 

"Don't let him touch you." He laughs with tears, as do I. I pull him into a hug and he kisses my forehead. I let go and look at them both.

"I love you guys so much." I tell them.

"Don't forget me." Alex looks up at me.

"Now why would I forget the best person in the world?" I crouch down.

"I don't know, because I'm too cool for you?" He tells me laughing. I smirk at his choice of "cool."

"Yes Alex you're so so so cool. But that doesn't mean I would forget you." I smirk again as he turns away blushing.

"Love you Alex!" I hug him as he turns around.

As I turn around there's a bunch of people crowding

"I better go..." I look down.

"Okay Hun." My parents each kiss my head then turn away. Dad has his arm around Mom and Mom has her hand in alex's hand. I smile at them then turn away. I look down all of the gates then look at the ticket. C24. Here goes nothing.

As I walk down the Gates I see a big blue sign saying C22, C23, and C24. I stand in line C24 and wait for everyone to get through the gate.

"KATHRINE!" a shout echos from down the gates.

I turn back and I see Niall with his arms open. Why is Niall here? I have to go. But oh my gosh I missed him already!

"Don't leave me!" He Squashes me.

"Oh my god I wont, I'll be back." I tell him in tears and hugs him with my ticket in my hands and my bag danging beside me. "You're making this harder to leave you know." I add.

"I'm sorry I just had to see you before you left. I sent you text messages but you never replied to them, so I had to see you in person." He tells me letting me go. Everyone is now looking at us and there's only 2 people left in line.

"My phone was off sorry." I tell him letting go. His face is red.

"Good luck by the way, I didn't actually think you'd do it but here you are." He smiles.

"Here I am." I smile back. "I'm really going to miss you." I add wiping my eye with my free hand.

"Don't cry, it's only a month. Please I hate to see my best friends cry. Heck I hate when anybody crys." He turns away.

Why do guy do that, are they ashamed of tears? I giggle to myself.

"Don't laugh." He frowns "All guys cry."

"Oh really now?" I laugh.

"Yes. It's normal okay." He smiles.

"Oh gosh I better go. There's nobody in line!" I tell him.

"Hmm." He frowns and pulls me into an even bigger hug.

"I'll miss you." I tell him.

"I'll miss you too, be careful OK?" He tells me waiting for me to promise.

"I promise." I let go.

I walk to the gates giving the man my ticket.

"Have a nice flight mam." He tells me.

"Thanks." I tell him.

I turn around to see Niall and he's smiling. I return a smile then walk into the gates.

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