Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

when the little boy cried wolf she ran to him.

It's a funny thing to think about, what if's that is; Aoi thinks as she is carried off by Iwagakure shinobi.

What if she had never befriended Orochimaru that day in the park? Would this have happened to her still?

What if her mother had never gotten drunk? She would have never of been conceived.

What if she wasn't a cosmic fuck up? Then maybe, just maybe, the Naruto world could go on in peaceful cannon.

But, Aoi thinks bitterly as she punches and kicks and screams, all that had happened and now she was dealing with the consequences.

The Iwagakure shinobi is getting annoyed with her she knows, but she doesn't stop, she can't and oh god Orochimaru is in another man's arms, holy shit. This isn't supposed to be happening it's not, it's not, it's not, it's not!

Orochimaru was screaming loudly too, his cries were amplified however when two oh so familiar ninja came into sight. His parents. We would be saved, we would be saved! The thoughts ran through Aoi's mind like a blessed prophecy until a dreaded thought made Aoi's blood run cold.

Orochimaru's parents were dead by the time he reached this age.

With a sharp intake of breath, Aoi tried to scream out to them, to warn them because they were her friend's parents and they couldn't just die. But it was too late, far, far too late. Orochimaru's father, or Ryuchi as Aoi had come to know him, shoved his wife behind him and an Iwa shinobi—

The tanto cut through Ryuchi like he was butter, blood splattered and hit Aoi and the pink haired girl realized just how close the two adults had been to them, to each other despite their constant bickering. She stared into Ryuchi's eyes, stared and stared even as he choked on his own blood because his throat was slit. Even as he fell to the ground in an uneven heap, our eyes never left each other until his eyes slid shut and he finished falling, until his body made a thump against the cold and hard and bitter bloodstained dirt.

There was a roaring of blood in Aoi's ears, Ryuchi had just died in front of her. Orochimaru's father had just died in front of her and his blood was on her and oh kami what was happening? This shouldn't be happening!

Orochimaru's mother Echigo didn't scream or cry at the sight of her husband's death instead she forced herself into the fray and by the gods could that woman fight. It was jutsu after jutsu, hit after hit. Aoi couldn't keep up with what was happening and Orochimaru was sobbing beside her while the Iwa shinobi still ran. Ran like cowards with their prizes.

Echigo was in the bingo book, Aoi knew that for sure, hell, Echigo was in the top fifty! Number thirty-seven to be exact. Right now Echigo was showing exactly how she had gotten such an impressive number. The Iwa shinobi were entering the forest that was on the southern outskirts of Konohagakure's border. They were taking both children away from Konoha, they were being taken away. They would be tortured and surely exploited for their clan techniques or kekkei genkai.

Aoi felt like throwing up. Today was her birthday and all of this shit had happened, all of this shit that shouldn't have happened, happened. Had her party loosened the guard of Konoha? Was she at fault for all of what was currently happening?

Aoi took in a shuddered breath and her throat felt raw from screaming, her cheeks stung from the wind and tears and she knew she had to calm down. She knew she had to be rational about her situation. She knew that but she just couldn't do it! How could Nara do things like this? How could adults make it seems so easy? How! How! How!

A frustrated and fearful sound came from Aoi's throat as she realized she had lost sight of Echigo. No one was in sight, no one at all and Orochimaru had gone silent. An Iwa nin had knocked him out. Aoi was alone, she was alone and she couldn't handle anything that was going on, oh god.

Aoi knew she should calm down. She knew that logically people would come looking for them. She knew they would be rescued but oh god Ryuchi had been cut down like he was nothing but a training dummy and his blood was splattered against his face making her pink locks stick to her face.

"Aw, would you look at that," one of the men rasped, "it seems pinkie's given up the fight."

Aoi couldn't help but scowl, "My name is Aoi, you fucking coward!"

The man who had spoken before sneered, "Got a mouth on you don't you, you fucking bitch. S'alright, we can fix that when we're in Iwa."

The men laughed while Aoi felt her stomach drop, the taste of bile rising in her throat. She wanted someone to save her. She wanted someone to be her hero because oh god what else was she to do?

She closed her eyes, tears running down her face and fuck was this all she was good for? Was this the Haruno clans fucking legacy? Crying like little bitch babies until someone else saved them? She was trained by Uchiha fucking Madara and she refused to go down like this, she refused to bring shame to so many people! She refused!

With a deep breath, Aoi scowled and focused on the trees around them, in front of them and she forced them to bend to her will. She was expending large amounts of chakra she knew, but it would be worth it. Slowing them down at the risk of chakra exhaustion was worth it.

Aoi took in a shaky breath and watched as tree limbs snaked around them lazily. The men cursed loudly and jumped back from the tendrils of wood- although some weren't as lucky. Getting caught by the tendrils and pulled into the bark of the trees.

Aoi grinned despite the fact that her eyelids felt heavy and she knew she would pass out soon, but she had stalled them. Soon Konoha nin would rescue them.

Soon, she told herself as darkness swallowed her, they had to. They were her heroes after all.

but was she the wolf, or his saviour?

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