"Gosh, I can't believe my daughter is turning four", River says.

"I know Meili, is too adorable for her own good", I say.

At the mention of name Meili turns to our direction and runs towards our direction.

"Uncle Dylan", she says and I bend down and she attacks me in a hug.

"Yue", Willa says and hugs Moon.

"Hey Wills, Where's Jimin?", she asks her as she notices Jimin wasn't anywhere near here.

"He's in the kids table finger painting like the child he is!", she points and I see Jimin happily painting.

"Visit more often", Moon tells Willa.

"Oh we will, Jimin loves Keshinda, he says it feels nice to feel normal somewhere", Willa tells Moon.

Moon nods. "Keshinda , is honestly a paradise and I'm so happy I've decided to live here full time"

"Can't you believe your opening ten boutiques in Asia and Europe", Willa hugs her.

"Yeah, I cant believe how much it keeps growing despite I'm not present only three times a year"

"Hey you , you've been avoiding your best friend!!", Caesar joins the chatter.

"Nope, you just been too busy lately, kids take out a lot of time", I explain.

"Definitely we need a night out soon, just us guys, did you know Willa and Jimin are pregnant and adopting?", Caesar says.

"Wow, that's nice", I say.

"And we definitely do!"

"Am I invited?", Jimin is next to us now joining in the conversation.

"You don't think we need one!", River smacks me in the head.

Moon and Willa nod.

"River!!, please stop hitting me like when we were kids I'm a grown married man of three kids!", I tell her.

"But forever my baby brother", she says in a baby voice and pinched my cheeks.

"Gosh darn it!! , don't do that in front of my kids!!", I complain and my kids bursted our laughing.

"Auntie River stills treats Daddy like a kid", they tease.

I pout. "In centuries older than you!!"

She shakes her head. "But you were a baby when we meet so it makes me the oldest!!"

She smacks my head again. "You better respect your older sister , Jay is teaching me , korean honorifics, now respect your noona"

"I will if you stop embarrassing in front my family, I am the king", I try to defend myself.

She rolls her eyes. "But who never let you give up!"

I pull her into a hug. "Thanks sis, I'm so glad you never let me give up, I owe you and Auntie Moonlight a lot"

I fell her wet tears hit my shirt. "Why did you make me cry now my makeup is ruined"

"But you still look beautiful", I pinch her cheeks.

She smacks my hand away. "Don't pinch my cheeks in front of my husband and daughter"

"Ha! , now you know how that feels!!, it's embarrassing isn't it?"

She nods. "It is, But I just want you to know that you boys get a night out then we get one too"

All of us including Lunar who knows came into back us up nod.

"It's a deal", I extended my hand and she takes it shakes it.

"Can't you imagine girls night will be better because your joining us , and our daughters, too", Yue tells River.

"We'll have more fun!!", Caesar defends.

"Alright let's who has the most fun and who ever looses, we'll not get any fun for a week!", River says.

My eyes go wide. "River there is kids in the room!!"

River shrugs. "They were bound to know how they were made why not at an early age"

I look over at everyone I genuinely laugh.

I grab my wife by the waist and kiss her head.

"What was that for?, she asks.

"This is the happiest I've ever been in this lifetime, and it's because of you and the people around us",I tell her.

"You deserve to be happy, Dylan", she hugs me.

And with those words it hit home... I did deserve to be happy.

And that was what I had been and would for life because of the people that were in my life.

Especially My Moon, My sons Jay and Yangi and My Daughter Wei.

And that's it , that's the end.

I'm so ... I can't write even write this because this is the end and my story is over.

Thank you , I love you all.

All the love , Ella xx

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