34:Learning The Truth(1/2)

Start from the beginning

That man, Kondo  frowns at her words.

"Unfortunately you have a husband whom you don't love, and we can't show the world we're in love because your a Keshindan and I'm a Gallieon"

Aphrodite kisses him. "I have some good news"

Kondo lips curve into a smile and he hugs Aphrodite.

"I am with Child", she says happily.

Kondo eyes widen. "You mean , you're pregnant"

"Aphrodite, I don't even regret falling for you and I can't wait to have this baby", he puts a hand on her belly.

Aphrodite frowns. "But you're son, I feel so bad... you hardly see him or spend time with him because your here with me and he's so young"

"Lunar has his mom, he's always been a momma's boy, anyway", Kondo shrugs.

*A few months later*

Aphrodite was sitting down reading book as she rubbed her belly.

"Princess Aphrodite Wang, your father has requested your presence"

I put the book down and stand up go check what my father wants.


My father begins sobbing uncontrollably in anger.

"You stupid shameless girl!, you disobey me!!, you're pregnant with an abomination, that child you're carrying isn't your husband", he spits.

"He is not an abomination, this child is product that love exist no mater if your Keshindan or Gallieon , I feel in love with a Gallieon, so what father!!, he's made me feel so alived and came into my life when I wanted nothing more than freedom, showed me that I wanted a love that was passion, adventure and fun!, not that loveless marriage I'm in"

"You dare say that to my face ,girl!!", he screams.

Aphrodite nods. "Why lie to your face"

"You're my daughter and I love you , you must hide the fact that child is Gallieon and Keshindan, pretend it's your husbands, I don't want to loose you"

They hug and agree on that.


Soon Kondo is front of his father chains.

"Kondo Chen, you've fallen for a Keshindan", my father says.

I nod. "I have father , she makes me feel alive and I don't even regret it one bit"

My father grows angrier by the second.

"Well for breaking the rules , you'll be slaughtered along with the woman my men saw you with, Aphrodite Wang, even though your my son , I can't show mercy"

Kondo looks at his Aunt beside me and she nods.

She knew what she had to when it had came to this.


Moonlight Chen arrived in Keshinda in secret and had managed to get to the princess before she was taken away by the Gallieons in secret like they had planned.

"Come with me", she told Aphrodite.

"I don't even know you", Aphrodite defends.

She grabs her hand. "I'll explain on the way"


She had explained every single thing to Aphrodite and she understood.

They arrived at the discreet place where Aphrodite had managed to build a hut quickly.

"I need to keep you safe and the baby", she says.

"I'm going to have to do this spell, it's going to speed the pregnancy, I'm sorry to do this", Moonlight apologizes.

"It's okay, I need to keep Dylan, safe",she rubs her belly and smiles sadly.

It was going to hurt her , to not see her precious Dylan grow up.

It was supposed to be different, her and Kondo in their sanctuary planet with their son.

She was going to miss everything... and it was going to hurt.

Aphrodite begins crying. "I'm sorry baby boy, I love you so much but mommy needs to protect you Dylan, It hurts.. but I love you too much, anything to keep you safe"

The baby inside her kicks her belly and Aphrodite smiles.

"Moonlight, will I be able to at least hold him once before you take him away", Aphrodite asks.

Moonlight nods. "So Kondo agreed that I put him into deep sleep until the time was right for him to be woken"

"What about you?", Aphrodite worries who'd watch over the baby.

"I have a spell that I'm putting on me that allows me to stay alive no matter how many times I die but the consequences is that once Dylan fulfilled his destiny, I'll die, and I'm fine with that"

"Why are you helping Kondo?", She asks her.

"Because I was once like the two of you but was punished and now the both of you are suffering and dying, I can still stop it and let you two be happy without leaving Dylan as an orphan"

Aphrodite shakes her head "we'd be running our whole lives , Dylan doesn't deserve that, I'm willing to die to keep my baby boy safe"

"Lie down, I'll start the spell and soon Dylan will be here, I'm sorry you have to go through this, You and Kondo don't deserve to go out like this"

"I just hope Dylan's brother, doesn't treat him any less"

Moonlight frowns. "Let's hope Lunar is good brother to Dylan"

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