Keep it (Sweet)

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(A/N: Hey guys it would mean the world if you'd check out my Hemlock Grove preferences if you love Bill Skarsgard and Landon)

You were absolutely terrified at the tiny little stick in your hand. It had a clear plus sign in the little circle, that's what terrifies you. You closed your eyes and let out a long sigh, throwing the pregnancy test in the trash can by the toilet. You knew you had to tell Oscar right away even though you were scared of what he might say. You didn't really want to get rid of it but in the end you'd make whatever decision that felt right to you. As soon as you opened the door Oscar came right in. "What's up my little chula." He chuckled, pressing a sweet kiss to your cheek. Just as you were about to speak and try to get the news out to him, he cut you off once again. "Do you mind if I get in here?" You let out a defeated sigh and shrugged your shoulders. "Sure babe." You managed to plaster a fake smile on your face and make your way out of the bathroom. You didn't really think anything about throwing away the test in the bathroom trash can, you didn't think that far. Of course he had looked down and his eyes immediately fell onto the positive test. His eyes went wide, his hands rubbed over his head with a small chuckle. "Shi-eet." He mumbled to himself. He quickly washed his hands and dried them before running out to you, seeing you sitting down on the couch, on your phone. "Babyyy!" He shouted. You looked up, confused at first but soon you caught on. You stood up, setting your phone on the coffee table and almost felt nauseous. You were afraid of him leaving you or not wanting the baby. You kinda understood why he wouldn't want to have the baby because after all he was the leader of Los Santos. He already had his baby brother in it, why would he want to risk anyone hurting his own child? A million thoughts began to race through your mind, making tears cloud your vision. He placed a hand on your shoulder and pulled you closer. "Ah mami, stop overthinking." He spoke, wiping a single tear that fell onto your cheek. He was overly excited for this child, he knew that he would be the best father he could be, a way better father than his father ever was to him. He'd show his parents that he was capable of something great. Hell, he took care of his brother for years and he turned out alright. "I'm really really happy." He smiled, slipping his hand down to your belly. You rolled your eyes playfully and took his hand off of your stomach. "I'm not even showing yet." He laughed and pulled you closer to him. "Aye! I could lay my hand there if I want to!" He said with a small chuckle, peppering your face and neck with kisses. You laughed a little and pushed him away from you. "We're keeping it you hear me?" He raised his brow, grabbing a hold of your hand, rubbing your knuckles sweetly. You bit your lip and pushed a strand of hair behind your ear before giving him a slow nod. "Alright, we can keep it." You were still scared but you knew Oscar had your back. You trusted him and knew that he would make an amazing father. You were just glad that he wasn't angry and begging you to get an abortion like other guys would've, or that's how you thought it usually went anyway.

Oscar Diaz (Spooky) Imagines/Preferences (OMB) Where stories live. Discover now