"Ha... I think I know where this all is leading to. So, I am giving you one last chance, come clean by yourself and I will forgive you, Reind." Melinda looked at him directly startling him and making him think twice before he finally decided to keep quiet and not say even a single word to her or let out a single word out of his mouth.

'No, I won't say anything to her. She doesn't go there at all, she won't know anything about it.' he thought and kept looking at Lilian with intense eyes once again in hopes of getting his message across the flustered guy. Melinda sighed, deeply, as she continued, "Then you leave me no choice," she walked up to Lilian and kept her hand on his right shoulder as she began interrogating him once again, "Lilian, was there alone in the garden with you? Was he actually completing his work? If so, please show me the documents."

"Ah... " Lilian clutched his hands into fists tightly, trying to think of some reason to save Reind and himself from Melinda's anger. "That's why we came back running, Melinda you won't believe me but trust me on this one thing I tell you. All the papers we completed were eaten by a dog." Reind spoke up as he secretly winked at Lilian who immediately got what he was planning to do. But rather than taking part in his lie and Lilian just sighed at his master's stupidity.

Melinda looked back at him with a sharp eye. "Was the question addressed to you?" she asked him which got Reind to immediately shut up.

She once again directed her gaze towards Lilian who got more tensed than before, "So, was there anybody else there too, Lilian?" Lilian once again stole a glance of Reind and then looked at the floor as he answered 'yes' by nodding his head.

The feeling of dread crept up on Reind as he looked at Lilian with the eyes that said how could you betray me like that. Lilian turned his face to look away from Reind. He averted his eyes from him. " How many times have I told you that you can't play with Alvian until you have finished all of your work?" Melinda asked.

"Fifteen times," Reind answered. He was dripping cold sweat as a horrified look was adorning his face.

Melinda took a step towards Reind chanting a spell under her breath. Reind in reaction to that took a step back but this was brought to a halt with a loud sound of an explosion and a huge cloud of dust. The location of that dust cloud was where all the kids were training. Melinda, Reind, and Lilian immediately ran towards that place without sparing any second.


Allen jumped out of the dust cloud covering his eyes and coughing. 'Where is he? Damn it, when did he become so strong?' His opened his right eye a little bit and checked his surrounding when suddenly he felt a presence behind him. But before he could react to the presence he was kicked in the face which sent him flying to a distance. 'The hell! I couldn't sense him at all. When did he get behind me?' Allen manipulated his body as he landed on the ground though roughly, his face was covered with wounds and dust. A little bit of blood was coursing down from the side of his mouth. He wiped it off as he looked straight at the person who assaulted him with eyes full of anger. 'Don't think you will get away with this just because we are close, Ray.'

From inside of the dust cloud Ray walked out as he returned Allen's glare with his own. Allen took off running towards Ray, on the contrary, Ray just put his hand up chanting a spell under his breath. Just when Allen closed the distance between him and Ray he forced back by the sudden emergence of a wall of earth. "You think this wall can stop me? Ray, you think to less of me." Allen said, pissed off by the trickery used by Ray. 'That's where you are wrong you overconfident kid. It's what follows this trickery what stops you. This is not anime or manga we are fighting for lives here.' A ball of fire appeared from Allen's blind spot, unable to completing getting hit by it in time Allen's left ankle received damage which left unable to stand properly.

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