"There's nothing to talk about." I said.

"So you just broke up with her for no reason?" She raised a eyebrow at me.

"Yeah." I lied.

"You're lying." Paul declared.

"No I'm not." I disagreed.

"What happened, Justin? You two were perfect together. You were going to propose to her. Did she say no?" She frowned.

"No, Mom." I sighed.

"Then what, Justin?" She asked me. She then gasped, "Did you cheat on her?"Oh my God, I'm going to scream if she doesn't stop. "Justin Randall I raised you better than that! I'm so disappointed in you." She said.

"I didn't cheat on her!" I yelled at her. "Do you want to know what happened? I caught her in bed with Wade. She cheated on me." I'm so pissed off that I have tears streaming down my face. That's the first time I have ever said what happened out loud.

Both of my parents looked at me in shock. They weren't expecting this.

"Justin-" She began, but I interrupted her. I know exactly what she's going to say and honestly I don't want to hear it.

"No, don't say it." I shook my head.

"Fine I won't." She pressed her lips into a line. "So this is why you've been acting so weird?" She asked me.

"Yes." I looked at the hardwood floor of their living room.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Paul asked me.

"It kills me to say it out loud and to think about it." I sighed.

"Aw, Justin." She walked towards me and wrapped her arms around me. That's when the tears got worse.

" I love her so much, Ma." I cried. Even after the heartbreak she caused, I still love her. I have no idea why, but I do.

"I know, I know." She rubbed my back.

"How could she do that to me?" I asked her.

"She's obviously very stupid to have done that. She doesn't know what she's missing." She reassured me.

"I feel so lost. I don't know what to do." I told her.

"You'll figure it out, Justin." She pulled away and looked up at me.

"What if I don't?" I sighed.

"You will." She nodded.

"How are you so sure?" She wiped away my tears.

"Because you always do." She said.

"What if this time I don't?" I frowned.

"You will. It might take a long time, but you'll figure it out." She said. I sighed and nodded. "Now why don't you stay with Paul and I for awhile?" She asked me.

"Nah Mom." I shook my head. I haven't lived with them in three years. I am not going back to that. I'm a grown man. I'm twenty one for God's sake.

"Justin you need to be looked after." She told me. I think she thinks I'm like fourteen.

"No, Mom. I'm fine." I said.

"Justin." She looked at me with those eyes I can never say no to. C'mon she's my Mom!

"Mom, I need some time to figure things out by myself. I've been writing songs for the new album." I said.

"Justin, you have everything you need here." She said.

"Lynn, if he doesn't want to stay with us don't push him to." Paul said.

"Paul, this is our son." She frowned. Yes, they refer to me as their son. My Dad lives back in Tennessee, where the rest of my family is and Paul was the one that was there for me when I was growing up. I just never called him Dad. My biological Dad will always be my Dad, but so will Paul. Paul respects that. My Dad? Not so much. He doesn't like Paul that much.

"Yes, I know that Lynn, but he is a grown man. He can make his own decisions." Paul told my Mom.

"Thanks, Paul." I smiled at him.

"Of course, Son." He smiled back at me.

"Fine, but I will check on you everyday." She sighed.

"I know you will, Mom." I nodded. She'll come everyday and call me like every hour. I feel like I'm leaving for college and she doesn't want me to be alone.

"Can you at least stay for dinner?" She asked me. I can't believe it's already five o'clock.

"Only if you make Red Velvet Cake." I smiled at her. Red Velvet is my favorite cake ever.

"Okay." She smiled and nodded. She knows how much I love her Red Velet Cake.

"Can we have wine?" I smiled at her as we all walked to the kitchen. I sure love to drink.

"No, Justin!" She knows I love to drink wine.

"Beer?" I love that too.

"No!" She shook her head.

"But Mom." I groaned. I then felt Paul touch my shoulder. I looked at him and he leaned towards my ear.

"We can have some whiskey after dinner and dessert." He whispered in my ear. Oh, I love that too. I smiled and nodded.

"What are you two up to?" Mom frowned at us.

"Nothing." We both answered at the same time. She looked at us and slowly turned away from us. She so knows we're up to something. Paul gave me a thumbs up and I quietly laughed.

"I'll find out what you two are up to." Mom was still turned away from us.

"We know, Mom." I sat down in a chair.

"You always do find out, Lynn." Paul said before sitting down next to me.

"I do, don't I?" She smiled at us.

"Yes." We sighed.

"So what do you two want for dinner?" She asked us.

"Can you make your Chili?" Paul asked her.

"Oh my Gosh! Yes! Make that, please!" I smiled. She looked at me and smiled.

"Since I haven't seen that smile in a long time, I'll make it." She told me. Paul and I then high fived.

"C'mon, J. I think the Memphis game is on." Paul told me. I nodded and we left the kitchen. "Let's just make a quick stop." He whispered to me. He stopped at the liquor cabinet and pulled out a bottle of whiskey and two glasses.

"This is why I love you." I smiled at him.

"I know." He chuckled. We walked into the family room and sat down on the couch. He poured some whiskey in both of our glasses and we held them up. "To fresh starts." He said.

"To fresh starts." I nodded and we clinked glasses.

The feeling of the whiskey going down my throat reminded me of the night I got so drunk. It was the night that I found her in bed with him.

I pushed the thought out of my head and took another sip of the whiskey.



I CAN'T DRINK YOUUUU AWAY!!!! That's what the last part reminded me of lol

Don't forget to comment and vote, my peasants <33

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