I wonder if you ever found out about that is.

It didn't take long for ash to dress, staying in the theme he wore an iron man themed pajamas and take off his eye contacts.

He definitely loves marvel.

Both of you walked into the big clean kitchen making you Question if he has someone to come clean up from time to time because yours wasn't even half as big and you still couldn't keep it this clean.

" what would you like to learn to make?" He asked you calmly adjusting his thick black-framed glasses.

" how about curry and rice? " it seemed like the most simple and not tiring thing to do since all you need to do is mix stuff together and let it cook " good we'll make that, now put an apron on ".

You were about too when you saw the design on it and let out one of your rare maniacs laughs taking ash by surprise.

" what's so funny!?".

Breathing out and in you finally looked him in the eye waving the apron in his face " I didn't know you were a fan of Ground Zero ".

Ground Zero was a hero that debuted close the Time Deku did they were actually classmates but he was known for his hot temper which was sooo the opposite of Ash and the hilarious thing Is the apron not just had his costume design it had in large letters

" Kiss The cook or Die ".

The continuing giggles from you only made Ash blush from embarrassment and snatch it from your hand throwing it away and giving you a plain blue one.

" I'm slowly regretting inviting you over bruh " you shook your head and grinned, this felt nice.

Toshinori would've liked Ash.

Why did you think of him? Was he more important than your friend?.

" anyways come on we don't have all day".

" Yes, sir ".

You'll have to admit Ash wasn't the best cook in the world and wasn't the worst either, and it didn't help that you couldn't do anything without instructions.

It was amusing, to say the least just watching him cut carrots into big chunks that you were pretty sure if you swallow one you'll choke right away.

But in his own words, it was decent.

Training after the food wasn't the most ideal thing when you thought about it for a bit. He had you jog with her around the neighborhood twice before coming back to left weights, oh and forgot to mention it happened while you were in that Spider-Man PJs he gave you.

At the end of the workout, you wanted to vomit your guts out, you didn't know how he does this and still ate full meals or how he kept up with his Schedule in school and around time while he's in internships.

After changing for the second time since you came, to something less 'heroic ' and stuck with sweat pants and white undershirts.

" how about some music?" You rolled your head to the back while sitting on the soft sheets of his bed " sure I guess" his smile never leaving his face, his eyes scanned the many albums resting on a special shelf while a CD player next to it, in this Day and age it was extremely rare for someone to even own this since phones kind of took over everything with a simple fingertip.

" how about BTS?" Blinking a few times you tried to think of an artist or band with that name, it sounded familiar but not at the same time " ok but who is BTS?" You asked.

Sunflowers and rainbows . { male reader }Where stories live. Discover now