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I started to admire the trees as I walked through the town. Spring was approaching and the trees looked beautiful, I was almost glad that Emilie sent me out.

As I was walking, I started to look around at places I could possibly go, although I didn't actually know where I was walking. If I ever went anywhere, I'd be walking with Emilie - who obviously knew where she was going.

I panicked slightly as I looked back, realising that I had no idea where I was, and not to mention with my limited knowledge of the english language if I got lost I would be well and truly fucked.

I decided to walk into a small park that was close by, I had guessed it to be a dog park as there were lots of dogs running around with their owners.

I rested myself against the bench as I watched the people walk their dogs and throw balls for them. I really wanted to go over and pet some, but I didn't think that was appropriate.

"Pepper?" I heard a girl call out as I looked around, although I couldn't see anybody. I heard them call again before a big dog ran past me, shocking me.

"There you are! Come on!" I smiled to myself as I watched more dogs run around the park, silently wishing one would just come over to me.

I plugged in my headphones that I had brought with me, bringing up a recent podcast that I had been listening to - a Dutch one, obviously, that's all I can really understand.

I suppose I could practice my English a little more, but it's just so difficult. There are so many different words that have the same meaning but are spelt differently or have different meanings and spelt the same, it's so exhausting.

I closed my eyes as I let the sun hit my face, soaking in the UV rays, which I instantly regret as I didn't bring any sun cream.

I moved to a shadier part of the park, sitting down on a different bench as I started playing my podcast again.

As I was just about to close my eyes I felt a buzzing. I looked around quickly, confused. I checked my phone and it was silent, just playing my podcast. I felt the buzzing come from next to my thigh so I moved my leg to see what it was.

I saw a phone laying there, an iPhone 6 screen staring back at me. I picked it up, examining it.

There was a picture of a two girls on the lockscreen, an iMessage notification, however I couldn't read it. Their battery was also low.

I looked around for anybody that may have looked like the girls on the lockscreen before I started tapping on the screen

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I looked around for anybody that may have looked like the girls on the lockscreen before I started tapping on the screen.

I pressed the home button, having a screen come up with a password which obviously, I didn't know.

I stared at it for a little longer before taking my earphones out and putting my phone away, keeping the other mystery phone in my hand.

I could return it to the owner..if only I knew who the owner was. I guessed it was one of the girls on the lockscreen.

I kept the phone in my hand as I texted Emilie to ask her if it was safe to come home, to which I got told yes. Thankfully.

I started my walk back when I felt the phone buzz, but this time for longer. I panicked slightly as I saw that someone was calling.

I didn't know what to do so I swiped to answer it, my hand shaking slightly. I have bad anxiety.

"Hello?" I froze at the voice on the other end, it was a girl. I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out. I blinked before quickly hanging up.

I looked around again before I started walking faster home, hopefully they don't think I stole their phone.


"Emilie?" I called out, walking into the apartment as she peeked around the wall.

"Oh hey! How come you're back so early?" I showed her the phone in my hand as I placed it on the kitchen table.

"I found somebody's phone when I was at the park," she gave me a smile as she grabbed it, looking over it.

"Sick, lets get into it," I quickly grabbed the phone off of her.

"No. We need to return it." She gave me a look before turning back around to clean.

"Why? We could make money off that thing," she laughed, but I didn't find it funny.

"No, that's not the right thing to do," I was staring at her back as I realised I wasn't going to get a response, so I took the phone with me into my bedroom so I could connect it to my computer.

I think I can see who the phone belongs to when I do that.

I wonder if I'll be able to return it. I hope so.

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