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All my life, I'd been a happy girl. Good family, good friends, wonderful village.
But that was before the Warlocks and Witches attacked us in our own home, our own kingdom.
The Enchanted Forest.
It was home to the Enchantdors. The Enchantdors are half witch, half cani, half magic and half elements and so, due to the fact that the two species are at war, we are abominable creatures.
The first Enchantdors were created thousands of years ago, our forefathers.
The prince of the Cani's Peter fell in love with the young poor witch who is Iris. The two would seem out at night just to get a glimpse of each other and one night their youthful carelessness got the best of them, for Peter made love to Iris and she took in. When she conceived, she brought life to twins, one boy and one girl. But as the children grew older,  they were... different from the other witches. They weld fire from their hands could freeze anything with a wind that escapes their mouths and as the people became aware of this, they began to talk. In fact they talked so much that it reached the Kingdom of the Cani's. When Peter heard that his father had sent for the children and their parents he was greatly afraid.
Alas, when the children were presented and it was confirmed that they indeed had the blood of a Cani. The king announced to the Cani people that there would be a general blood scan and whosoever that was found to be the father of the children would be slaughtered like rams. The results showed no match until the King's other son Aaron said that they had not yet searched those in the castle. The guards were clean, the chefs were clean, the gardeners were clean, the king and Aaron clean, then it got to Peter and they discovered that he was the father of the children.
The king though furious did not want to have his son killed, but the decree had been made. On that day the 21st of August, the cani and the witch were slain to their deaths.
The children however Israel and Ira went on to continue their lives, carrying on their parents legacy and building the clan of the Enchantdors.
Till today their statues still stand tall, though grey of age on mount Iris.

"Bethany!"  It was my father, he probably knows that I'm up here thinking about our heritage, like always.

"I'll be right down father!" I called back really not wanting to get up from the comfort of my warm bed which was covered in the sheets of my grandmother.

I eventually got up, not like I have a choice.

"Yes?" I said as I reached the last step.

"I don't exactly have a reason for calling you." He adjusted the glasses he wore on his perfectly chiseled face that now creased slightly and held light wrinkles. He must have been a dashing charmer in his days.
He continued.
"But I needed my daughter child to stop thinking politics and legacies and be what she is, a child." He placed a slight kiss on my forehead.

"I'm 15, not a child father." I said tucking my gold-brown hair behind my ear.

"You're not an adult either." He said laughing heartily with his thick accent as I groaned in annoyance.

There was a knock on the door.
"I'll get it." I said running up to the door.

I opened the curtain slightly to see my best friend Arthur, who by the way, was also an Enchantdor.
I quickly closed the curtain so that I could smoothen my skirt and pat down my hair.
Father looked at me and smiled.

"What? You're the one who always tells me that I would be addressed according to the way I'm dressed."

"I didn't say anything." He said holding his hands up in defense as he backed up slowly into the kitchen.

My father was the only person that knows that I'm kind of crushing on Arthur and I might of heard his friends teasing him about how much he adores and protects me. But I know for a fact that Arthur could never like me.

"Beth?" Father called from the kitchen.

I turned my head in his direction sending my golden tips flying out in the air.

"Are you forgetting something?"

Oh! I'd forgotten about Arthur.

With one final pat on my hair I opened the door.

Arthur, who was leaning causally against the porch wall, looked too good to eat.
"Goldilocks!" He winked at me which caused my to have a semi- heart attack or was it a cardiac arrest.

I covered the blush that was forming on my face with an eye roll.
"What do you want idiot."

He pretended to be hurt by clutching his chest through his plaid shirt.
"Hurtful. I just wanted to know if you wanted to go for a walk."

"Sure why not." I said before shouting.
"Father Arthur and I are going for a walk."

"Dinner will be ready before then." He called back and winked at me.

"Ready?" Arthur asked me.

"Yeah let's go."

There was no doubt that the Enchanted Forest came alive more in the evening. The fairies showed themselves, the crystal fireflies warmed up their lights by blinking them slowly.
Arthur didn't even say a word.
I was watching him watch me take in our environment, rather what used to be ours.

He suddenly grabbed my hand making me stop ungracefully in my tracks.

"What's the matter?" I looked up at his face to see fear, anger and a fresh cut. But mostly anger, I'd have to ask him about the cut later.

He used his chin to direct my eyes to the warlocks or I suppose the modernized term is wizard, I turn my eyes to see the wizards in our front now heading in our direction.
I recognize that boy anywhere Diego Costa.
And his minions, by minions I mean the people he has successfully brainwashed due to their high levels of testosterone, incompetence and mostly stupidity.

"Hey King!" He said with a cocky smirk on his face.

I could feel Arthur's grip tighten around my hand and could visibly see that his jaw was clenched.
I used my thumb to rub the back of his hand in small circular motions.
He released a bit and looked down at me but I didn't dare to look at him.

"Awwn! Is she the girl who you are desperately in love with? That's pretty peculiar, I could have sworn I heard that you had a thing for Vanessa."

It was my turn to tense up.
Vanessa Hollicks is the most breathtaking young witch in the village. She's also the only witch that constantly gets on my nerves.

Arthur must have noticed my mood.
"I didn't and don't like Vanessa." He said looking down at his shoes.

"That's a shame, you would have had very beautiful children. But at least you get to have someone as filthy as you are." Diego sneered and turned to his minions who cheered him on.

It happened....

Arthur swung his fist back and it collided with Diego's face in a heavy blow.

"Arthur!" I released myself from his grip and used my hand to cover my mouth.

But Arthur wasn't done.
He tackled Diego and hit him repeatedly on his face and chest until Diego was pale and getting more white.

"Arthur, that's enough!" I cried desperately trying to push him away from Diego's almost lifeless body.

He stopped and was panting.
"Arthur?" I said reaching my hand out to touch his shoulder which was burning hot, perks of being half Cani.

"Beth, I don't want to hurt you. Leave." He said sternly.

"Arthur let's just-"

"Bethany leave!" His voice made me jump and I turned on my heels and ran in the opposite direction.

As I was walking home a tear gently trickled down my cheek that burnt.
Arthur is a good kid, his flaw though, was anger and it always takes over him especially because he is a fire Cani.

I heard rustling in the bushes of the woods beside me.
I stopped and peered a bit deeper and saw two green lights staring at me.
I was shocked and shaken a bit but it could just be the crystal fireflies so I kept on walking.
But I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach that those were not fireflies, but I was too tired from all the crying I've been doing to dwell on it more.
But still, someone was in those woods.

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