Beach Day

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Mina knew what she was doing.

There was absolutely no way that she didn't know what she was doing. She was absolutely doing everything about this intentionally. And she was getting a rise out of it. There really was no other explanation.

And the worst part was it was working, even though he knew exactly what she was doing. And she seemed to know it as well, and she fully intended to take complete advantage, and she would never let him live this down for as long as he lived.

Izuku and Mina sometimes took it in turns to decide what they were going to do for dates. Essentially it was a rotation system, which let them both take the other to places they thought the other would like, to indulge the other, or introduce them to something that they liked that they wanted to share with the other. While it wasn't exactly a perfect system, and had led to a couple of flops, but for the most part, they were both happy with the set up they had.

Of course, that did mean that it was ripe for one to take advantage of if they so desired it. And Mina certainly knew how to take advantage.

"Hey Izu, think fast!" Mina yelled, before skimming her hand over the surface of the water, cupping it as best she could in her hand, and launching it towards her boyfriend.

In the ocean, it wasn't like mobility was exactly the easiest thing in the world, so all Izuku had to offer was to cover his face to try and avoid getting sea water in his eyes as Mina's splash attack. Mina smirked, and she was already making her way around him, looking for the best angle to splash him again without him noticing as he cleared his eyes.

The beach - Of course that was something Mina would suggest.

In fairness to her, it certainly was the weather for it - Lovely, sunny and warm, though Izuku knew damn well that it wasn't because of the weather that she had opted to suggest the pair of them go to the beach. Well, it was a bit.

But the main reason she had was because she wanted to see him flustered as all hell at the sight of her in a swim costume, and to drag him into the ocean to make him even more flustered.

Everything she did was designed to make him blush - The costume itself was about as suggestive as Mina probably felt she could get away with, she acted much more flirty than she normally did, and she didn't waste a second dragging him into the water.

Today was nothing more than an exercise for her in making him blush, and the pair of them knew it.

None of it was to say that he wasn't enjoying himself. Mina had the ability to make just about anything fun. It was just that Izuku knew in the back of his head that she was here solely to fluster him, and that made him conscious of just about everything either of them did.

Izuku wiped the water away from his brow, rubbed his eyes, and opened them again. His eyes stung gently, but he quickly regained his normal vision. He glanced to the left, and then to the right. Mina wasn't anywhere to seen -

And then he had pink hands on his stomach and chest.



The pink girl had moved around behind him while he'd been clearing the water from his face, and as soon as he had his vision back, she'd pounced on him. How she'd done that while barely making a sound was a mystery in itself . Not one Izuku was all too focused on right now though.

He was far too aware of just where Mina's hands were. And where her body was - Pressing against his back.

"No need to yell, Izu." Mina said, smirking. "You're just gonna call attention to yourself."

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