
"You're coming inside with me?" She raised her brow

"Yea love, I need to have a word with your professor" He grinned broadly

They walk down the hallway and it was quiet since students and staff were in their designated area.

The pair arrived at De'arra's classroom and Taehyung pushed the door open. Students gasped as their faces turn pale.

Taehyung love it when people deeply fear him. It makes him feel powerful, not that he isn't

"Mr Kim, to what do we owe the pleasure of your visit?" The professor breath quickened

"Such beautiful room you have here, gentlemen"

"T-thank y-you Mr Kim" He stuttered

"I came to drop off my angel. Any lesson she missed, make sure you catch her up on that. Am I clear?"

"Of course Mr Kim. De'arra go take a seat and we'll get started"

"Thank you sir" she smiled causing the professor to feel at ease

"Call me once you're done love" He pull her in for a kiss

"Okay I will, bye" she said kissing back

"Bye baby" The elder peck her forehead and left the classroom

"Mr Kim is your boyfriend?"

"De'arra you lucky bitch"

"I am so jealous"

"Wait how did you two meet?"

"You got yourself a rich daddy"

"Settle down or each of you will receive detention for the whole week!" The professor warned

"De'arra take a seat and we'll go over what you missed"

She sat down beside her best friend Jackson, whose mouth was wide open

"You never answered my calls and text messages, now you suddenly burst in here with THE Mr.Kim?"

"I will tell you everything during lunch"


"He's now your fiancé?! How the fuck did all this happen so fast? I am so happy for you, DeDe" Jackson squeal and hug her tightly

"Thanks Gae" she blushed

"You are so lucky ahh. Mr CEO Kim is your soon to be husband damn! He scares me to be honest"

"Why? He doesn't bite"

"Just his aura, too cold and dominating. He can lure anyone in caves of hell with that intimidating stare. I don't know how you're still alive"

Because he's a baby with me

"You're being dramatic gae, I'll go use the bathroom. Brb"

De'arra stood up and walk to the ladies room. But soon two boys came in with angry expressions plastered on their face

"Look who it is. Mr Kim's girlfriend. How does it feel to be with the richest man in Korea?" One boy clapped carelessly

"I think we should get something out of it, right?"

"You guys shouldn't be here, please leave" She said trying to dismiss them

"Shut up bitch" He double slapped her so hard that she felt red substances pooling down her mouth

"Give us his credit card information and we'll let you go" one of them aggressively pull her hair

"I don't know, please stop. You're hurting me" she whimpered

"You know the plan" They fist bump one another and held her down, ripping half her clothes

One boy began sucking her neck harshly as the other one furiously beat her

"Enough bro let's go before we get caught"

"I had fun with you, so fucking hot" He bite her collarbone causing it to bleed

They rushed out the bathroom and De'arra cried uncontrollably her whole body shaking rapidly.

Why she taking so long? Jackson grew worried as he run to the bathroom

"Gosh DeDe! What happened? Omg what happened to your clothes?"

"Please help me clean up. Please" she sob

Jackson remove his hoodie and place it on her, covering her fragile figure

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