Girl Meets World Pt2

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"All right, everybody who did their homework, put it on your desks." Maya went round and collected everyone's homework. I didn't put mine down because I know my sister.
"Careful there, Ms. Hart."
"Are you sure about this?" I looked at Maya and she nodded.
"I got this."
"Okay." Farkle ran in with his homework that even had sparklers.

"The burning of Atlanta led to the end of the civil war and to peace. I believe that peace is worth fighting for." Maya grabbed one of his sparklers.
"Hey, that's a pivotal part of my diorama!" She grabbed the other sparkler too.
"And there goes Virginia." Maya stood on her desk.
"The burning of the homework led to the end of the homework rebellion because there was no more homework." She was about to burn the essays  with the sparklers. I grabbed  the homework from her hand.
"All, all right, that's far enough, Maya. I get it." Maya put the sparklers in the air and chanted.
"No homework, more freedom!" The fire alarms and sprinklers then turned on so everyone was  getting wet.
"Okay those work."

"Is this still part of your presentation or is this actually going on?" Farkle said.
"Why didn't you stop your friend?" Lucas looked at Riley.
"It's not what I do anymore." I understood what was going on with Maya and I supported her but this time she went a bit too far. Riley, on the other hand, just wanted to be like Maya and that was her downfall.
"You're better than that."
"I'm just letting her be her."

"Ms. Hart, you have detention. The principal will determine if it goes further than that. Ms. Matthews, please leave." Mr Matthews was disappointed in Riley but he was more disappointed in Maya.
"I deserve detention too."
"No, you don't. You didn't do anything. And because you didn't do anything, your best friend is in very deep trouble." Riley looked down at herself in disappointment.

"All right, Farkle, you can get down now." I only then noticed that Farkle had crawled on top of Mr Matthews and was on his head.
"Well, you're actually quite comfortable, sir."
"Thank you, Farkle. Get off!" He tightened his grip.
"Farkle isn't going anywhere!"

We exited the room and stood by the lockers, Farkle still on Mr Matthews head.
"Down, Farkle." Farkle finally got off Mr Matthews head and Mr Matthews stared down at Maya and Riley.
"You're looking at us pretty hard there, Mr. Matthews."
"I just want to stand by my girl." I love Riley, but she made a mistake this time.
"You missed the moment to stand by your girl. You were so busy trying to be her, Riley, you forgot the best thing you can do for her is be you."

" Aiden, Riley, take Farkle for a walk." And at that moment, I knew that Maya was toast

I was on the Subway, at the sidelines as usual with Maya and Riley.
"If we can't hang out with each other as much anymore, don't worry about it."
"Wait. Why wouldn't we?"
"He's going to make you end the friendship."
"He said that?"
"He's really upset with me."
"He loves you."
"I don't think so anymore. I just want you to know that I get it wouldn't be your fault."

"Beyootiful! You two little bumblebees got a sweet thing going. But where's your hunk? You ain't got no hunk, you ain't got no story!" It was the woman from the Subway, yesterday.

"I haven't been your good friend."
"You're my best friend."
"She's your best friend! Best friends are important. I got a best friend. I'm not talking to her right now." I liked this woman. She turned to me and winked. I knew she referred that to me too.

"I go too far. And I don't think that's gonna stop. I'm bad for you."
"Did he say that?
He will. This is your stop. Don't be me. You don't go as far as me." Maya started pushing Riley off of the Subway.
"No. No. No! Do not push her off this train! You do not push your best friend off the train." I watched at Riley stood outside of the train and she pushed open the door.
"I'm not you."
"That little girl pushed those doors open with the power of love."
"You are not allowed to abandon our friendship!"
"I would never do that. Riley, I'm pushing you away because I'm not good for you anymore."
"Only I decide that! You know why?" Riley is sometimes very stubborn, especially when it comes to Maya.
"Because if this is my world now, the first person I want in it is you."
"You're gonna save me, aren't you?" Riley grabbed Maya's hand.
"I am." She grabbed my hand too and dragged us both out of the train.

"Where is he?" We had just stormed into Riley's place and Topanga and Auggie pointed at Mr Matthews.
"There is no way I'm gonna let you break-up my friendship with Maya!" Mr Matthews stood up and walked over to us.
"Is that what you think I want, Riley?" Riley looked at us.

"No. What you said you really want is for me to make the world my own. And you want me to do my homework. Well, I'm doing it right now. Here's what I think is worth fighting for: These are my best friend. They are gonna get me into trouble and I'm gonna get us out of it. And I did. Because here we are. Look at us, dad. We're right here. My civil war is over, dad. I won. What happens now?"

We were stood at the Subway and I was stood with Farkle and Lucas.
"Friends, family and all you other subterranean mole people we're here today to celebrate Riley being Riley. Now some may call this a New York City subway pass. But you, Riley, can consider this a ticket to the world."
"You think I'm ready?"
"You showed us you are. Riley, I've already met the world. It's your turn."

Me, Lucas and Farkle walked over to the train tracks.
"Hey, this isn't so different from Texas. Look, there's a pony."
"That's a rat," me and Farkle said in unison. Some women walked passed and Farkle's eyes darted to them immediately.
"Farkle." We walked back over to Maya and Riley.
"So where do you wanna go?"  "Don't know. Big world."
"Ours now?" I wanted to pitch in so I wasn't forgotten like usual.
"Yeah, but my dad did say I have to be home by 5:00." I laughed at her. She forgets my capabilities.
"Don't worry, he wrote you a note." I handed her a note from in my pocket. We walked onto the train.

Next stop, Astor Place, 14th street And the world.

We got off of the train and saw Mr Matthews waiting for us.
"You guys came back and waited for us?"
"Hey, we told you we were always gonna be here for you," Topanga exclaimed.
"Yeah, Riley. It's not so easy handing over the world without making sure everything's going to be okay." We managed to walk away and we knew that it was now Riley's world.

Aiden HartWhere stories live. Discover now