"wait if you went to school with Joshua does that mean you went to school with Terra" Dokyeom said scratching his head a bit.

"Nopey. I went to a private high school on a scholarship. but I still ended up here isn't that crazy" Terra said with a smile. So that's why Joshua only knew me. Thats great because if Terra knew I'd probably shit myself and move back home change my identity and move to California. I poured myself another shot.

"You must be good at drinking" Dokyeom said smiling a bit.

"Nope but I want to forget something" I said taking the shot. Joshua smiled at me too.

"Be careful" He said. I almost lost it there. Ugh he was so cute I just wanted to die at this point.

I woke up with an excruciating head ache.
"Oh oh oh" I groaned as I rose in my bed holding my head. I scratched my head trying to remember last night but my head was foggy very very foggy. There was a knock on my door.
"Come in" I said lowly. Terra had opened with a bowel on a tray.
"I made you some hang over soup. My mom taught me how to make it. I also emailed your professor. I told them you had food poisoning and that you might not make it or you'll come to class late"
"Wait what why did you do that?" I said confused.
"Well when I tried to wake up you up, you were out of it and wouldn't get up at all and when I talked to you, you seemed still out of it."
"Oh my goodness how much did I drink?"
"A lot. I also didn't think you would want to go due to what you did last night." My eyes widen when she said that.
"What are you talking about?" I asked biting my lip nervously.
"You seriously don't remember?" She said shocked.
"If I remembered I wouldn't be asking you this." I clenched the cover that was over my body.
"Well remember when you said you didnt think you knew Joshua.."
"I didn't." I said hoping with my whole heart that I didn't tell him.
"You... did. You got so drunk and he brought it up again saying that you look too familiar for him to forget and you finally just said. I'm Jamie and you're Joshua Hong the boy I had a crush on from Literature. I confessed to you at a party and vomited on you and never talked to you again. I'm sorry and then you cried and passed out." She said sighing. It took me a moment to digest what she had just said and when I did. I screamed so loud as I cover my head with my cover. I cried thinking about me embarrassing myself last night in front of not only Joshua but everyone else and to make matters even worst we all attended this university. Terra patted my head and left the hangover soup on my desk before she left. I hated everything.

Marcela POV

I was in my creative writing class just waiting to leave. I only had a few minutes left but the last few minutes were dragging. I kept thinking about my roommate Jamie. I felt so bad for her that I wanted to pretend like nothing happened but ... something did happen and that was wild. She was so cute too. I only hope Joshua didn't get freaked out by it because that would be horrible. Finally the teacher let us go and I headed to the library to work on some ideas. I sat down at a table and took out my purple notebook and a pen. Ideas started flowing and it was like my pen started writing itself. After 15 minutes my hand began to cramp. I sat my pencil down and stared observing the area. I ended up seeing that guy Mingyu sitting not too far away. I guess this is my chance to apologize huh? I rubbed my temples trying to figure out exactly what I was going to say to this man. I got up from my seat and walked over to him slowly.

"Excuse me.." I said lowly. He took out his airpod and looked up at me. He didn't greet me with a smile and that's reasonable.

"Uh Hi?" he said confused.

"Um I just wanted to apologize for my behavior yesterday. I apologize for lumping you in with guys who only want to have sex with women..." I said looking away and rocking forward and back. I had no idea what to say to him now. He just kind of stared at me for a minute and then laughed a bit.

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