"but superman would never do that." the girl was still looking to willie despite his back being turned to her, she really liked him for this devotion towards this horrible convo. "that's why everybody thinks he's a fucking punk." and that's when willie lost the girl, her jaw dropped and she walked away from the stands leaving willie to think. reyna saw the girl was going to leave and purposefully knocked over some comics on the other side.

"gosh darnit, hun. do you mind getting that for me?" reyna offered a smile, getting up from her seat pointing down to the comic that laid on the floor, one of willie's favorites. the girl smiled, picking up the comic. she handed it to her. reyna held on for a couple seconds, looking over to the boys she leaned over and whispering. "his kryptonite is over there." reyna tilted her head the other way, offering a smile. the girl furrowed her eyebrows looking down to the name tag reyna wore.

"thank you, marcus?" the girl questioned as she read the name tag, reyna furrowed her eyes looking down to herself. her yellow raincoat was covered by one of marcus' white tees that had his name tag on it. reyna let out a laugh, getting the boys' attention. "yeah, marcus." she nodded, taking the comic back. the girl headed over to the stands reyna recommended and marcus came over to join her in the booth.

reyna hit marcus' shoulder once he stood beside her, pulling him by the collar of his shirt to bring him closer to her. "you tell me to wait again and you'll regret it. nino bonito." reyna whispered lowly to marcus. and he did not regret the decision, as he neared her face. he nodded short of words, holding his hands up in surrender. reyna quickly let him go once willie called out for them both. they were horrible at playing natural. "you're both my witnesses, i'm gonna marry this girl." both of them smiled to willie nodding, they were happy to see his out of his dark mood.

once gabriella and willie walked away out of sight, marcus grabbed reyna by the sides of her jacket bringing her closer. "we need to talk about your habits." he looked down to her. reyna looked to him tilting her head to the side. "are you trying to cut me off, sweetheart?" reyna moved his hands from her jacket, taking them in her own hands looking to him. marcus just sighed looking the other way. he didn't want to be the one to cut her off, but he shouldn't have put her on to the drugs.

spooky closed his locker surprised to see juan leaning on the other side. spooky raised a brow, what was the problem this time? "you both have been looking for a month, and no progress." juan didn't have time for small talk, he wanted to know what happened to his best friend. and he felt like maria and spooky didn't making him question his intentions. "i just think it's funny you two left together, and you came back with your sister and her little crew, spooky remember your loyalty." juan reminded, pushing off the locker. spooky looked around the hallway seeing the crowd: mostly vatos. he swallowed looking down to juan.

"family is where my loyalty lies. that's what chico and reyna is to me. and if you ever or anyone else in the vatos question our choices there's gonna be a problem that won't be solved. you get what i'm putting down, amigo?" spooky was beyond angry at this point. was it not clear enough that he didn't want to be involved? "si, there's no problem here. i'm actually concerned for reyna. maybe i should talk to her, about it. you know she's mourning pretty hard with your padre and chico. no one is asking her how she feels, you know. hanging out with the rat so much. smoking a lot. their demand ain't no joke man." juan laughed, shaking his head. juan knew what he was doing, reyna smoking was a secret. but juan had eyes, good eyes. and maybe turning the siblings on each other would get things out of them.

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