Chapter 12: Another Time

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Caroline wakes up in a field of flowers, she has a t-shirt and jeans on. "Hello?"

"Hi, darling." Caroline quickly turns towards the familiar voice, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Mom?" The blonde jumps on her mother, burying her in a hug. "I miss you."

"I missed you too but you shouldn't be here." Her mom gestures to the place around them. "It's not your time yet."

"I haven't seen you in hundreds of years." She rests a hand on her mother's cheek. "Can't I spend a little time with you before I go back."

"If you spend too long a time here, there is no going back." Caroline's hand falls and she frowns. "I wish it were any other way."

"Then how do I get back?" Caroline looks at her mother questioningly.

"You have to wake up Caroline." Her mother's voice oddly sounds like Bonnie's and Caroline scrunches her eyebrows in confusion. "Wake up!"

"Come on. Wake up!" Caroline sits up, her head colliding with the person leaning over her. "Ow."

"Sorry." Bonnie rubs at her forehead before looking down at her best friend. "What happened?"

"I don't know. The both of you passed out." Caroline groans as another wave of pain hits her.


"Niklaus, how did you get yourself into this predicament?" Elijah paces in front of his brother, a slight ache in his head. "Even I don't remember."

"Well, that would be because the warlock erased everyone's memories." The hybrid ran a hand through his hair as a wave of pain rushes through his head again. "Ah."

"Are you alrii-." Elijah holds his head as the pain infiltrates his mind. "What's happening?"


"Mama?" Little Caroline runs over to her mother and embraces her. "Can I go play with the other kids today?"

"Of course you can. Have fun dear." She skips out the door and meets her best friends at the end of the road.

"Anna, Alexia. She said I could play." Caroline grabs both girls' hands and they skip down the road together.

Caroline sits up in the bed, her heart beating insanely fast. "Oh my god, Caroline you're awake."

"Bonnie I just had the weirdest dream." The blonde rubs at her head as more images fill her head. "Wait. Oh my- I'm remembering."

"Hold on. I'll get Klaus." Bonnie leaves the room before Caroline can reply and Caroline winces as another memory comes.


Caroline slowly opens her eyelids and lets her eyes adjust to the darkness of the room. "Ugh." She groans at the pounding in her head as her eyes land on Klaus from across the room. "Klaus." Her voice is practically a whisper as she crawls over to him, fingers gripping his arms. "Klaus."

Klaus stirs and his eyes shoot open as he feels the fingers gripping his arms. "Caroline? Where are we?"

"I don't know." She looks down, noticing she's still in her wedding dress. She stands up and walks over to the barred door, looking up and down the empty hallway. "Hello?" There's no response to her question so she walks over to Klaus and sits next to him. "We need to get out of here."


Caroline suddenly sits up as her hands grip the sheets now under her. Her right hand stretches out next to her, searching for that familiar person. She instead finds an empty bed. "Klaus?" She stands up and walks over to the unfamiliar door, pressing her ear against the wood. She hears shuffling feet heading in her direction so she springs to the bed, tripping over the dress she had just realized she was wearing. "What?"

"Welcome back." Caroline looks up, her eyes meeting those of the second eldest Mikaelson son. "How are you feeling Ms. Forbes?" His eyes scrunch up. "Or shall I call you Ms. Mikaelson seeing as you're married to my brother, Niklaus."

"Caroline is fine Elijah." She stands up, the dress smoothing out. "Where am I and how did I get here?"

"Yes, mother filled us in on the details about your predicament." He fiddles with the cuffs of his suit. "It is the year 1954 and mother brought you here from the time you were in."

"Why?" Elijah gestures to the door and then walks out, Caroline hurrying after him. She follows until they arrive in front of another door, Elijah entering with Caroline right behind him.

"Mother. She's awake." Elijah moves out of the way so Caroline can stand in front of Esther.

"Welcome back my dear." Esther walks towards her and wraps her in a hug. She steps back to look at her. "How do you feel?"

"I feel fine." Caroline wipes her now sweaty hands on her dress. "Why am I here?"

"My son, Niklaus, has recently found himself indulging a little too much in blood since you disappeared. I want you to help him." Esther takes Caroline's arm and leads her through a door connecting the room they were in to another room. Her eyes catch Klaus pressed up against a girl facing away from them, the life slowly leaving her. "Niklaus." Klaus, frustrated, drops the now lifeless body to the ground.

"What mother?" He turns around his eyes land on Caroline, standing there as if an angel sent from heaven. "This better not be another one of your allusions mother." Before Esther can get a word in Caroline interrupts her.

"I'm real Klaus, I'm actually here." She takes a hesitant step towards him. "I'm here." He slowly reaches out a hand and brushes the stray curl from her face, tucking it behind her ear.

"You're here." A smile breaks out on his face and he wraps her in a hug, breathing in the scent of her. Oh, how he'd missed her. Her smile, her laughter, her smell, everything.

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