Chapter 17: Elena Gilbert

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The priest mutters some words under his breath and everyone falls to the ground except for Klaus. The hybrid looks around at everyone and then turns to the priest, his fangs having lengthened. "You're messing with the wrong family mate." Klaus goes to speed towards the strange man but instead is thrown back, his head slamming into the wall behind him. The priest walks forward, still muttering words under his breath, and Klaus's neck is broken.


Elena's eyes slide open and she instantly shuts them again as the pain infiltrates her mind. When it subsides her eyes open again and she sits up. Elena looks around at her surroundings and instantly knows she's in a cell. Standing, she walks over to the door and struggles to look down the corridor. "Hello?" When no one answers Elena walks over to the barred window and takes a breath of the slightly fresh air. How was she meant to escape? She couldn't even break the bars because she'd been injected with vervain. The last thing she remembered was Caroline getting married. Caroline. Where was she? Elena walks back over to the door and wraps her small fingers around the rusty pieces of metal. "Caroline? Niklaus?" Still, no one answers. The sound of pounding footsteps has Elena instantly backing into the wall behind her. A man appears at the door, a sickening smile covering his lips. "Who are you?"

"There's no need for introductions." The man produces a key from his pocket and unlocks the door. "You won't remember me anyway." Elena is about to reply when her neck snaps and her body thuds to the ground. "All in due time Eleniana."


"Bonnie put the spoon down." Elena giggles as her friend walks towards her threateningly with a wooden spoon covered in marshmallow fluff. "Bonnie please." A door opens on the other side of the room. "Care tell her to put the spoon down." Caroline huffs and holds out her hand towards Bonnie.

"Spoon please." Bonnie rolls her eyes but obligingly hands over the spoon and Caroline takes it into the kitchen. "Guys my mom is going to kill me if we trash this place. We have relatives coming over."

"Sorry, I know." Caroline sighs as she leans against the counter. "You guys positive about not telling them you're a vampire?"

"Yeah, I think it would be too much for them." Caroline smiles and hits her palms together. "We need to order pizza and vent. Klaus' ball is tomorrow and I'm not looking forward to it."

"Awe come on Care, he likes you." Caroline looks up from her phone and raises her eyebrows. "Give him a chance."

"All the things he's done-." Elena shakes her head as Bonnie walks into the kitchen.

"Bonnie, do you approve of Klaus and Caroline?" Bonnie purses her lips before answering.

"I don't enjoy it but all I want is for you to be happy." Caroline shrugs her shoulders as she finishes ordering the pizza and sets her phone on the counter.

"Can I show you guys something?" Both girls nod their heads and follow their blonde friend into her bedroom. Caroline opens the closet door and reaches onto the top shelf, grabbing a box. She sets the box on her bed looking at both Bonnie and Elena. "Okay he got me this for the ball but I don't know."

"Care just open the box." Caroline sighs heavily but opens the box anyways, both of her friends' jaws dropped at the dress inside. "Wow, this is gorgeous." Caroline nods before reaching deeper inside and pulling out a small black bag. She reaches inside the bag and pulls out a bracelet consisting of many infinity signs. "Oh my gosh, Caroline he got these for you?"

"Yeah." Caroline wrings her hands together as she bites her lip gently. "I can't wear this." Caroline puts the bracelet back and starts shutting the box but Elena stops her. "What?"

"Tyler isn't coming back, you know that right?" Caroline sighs as she turns to sit on the bed and shoves her face in her hands. "Caroline."

"He promised he'd come back guys." She reluctantly pulls her hands off her face and looks at the open closet. "And he met someone else."

"Yeah, I know." Elena and Bonnie sit next to Caroline and wrap their arms around her. "We know."

"Thanks, guys." When they stop hugging her Caroline wipes at the tears streaming down her face. "I don't want to end up hurt again."

"If he's someone that makes you happy, you should taker the chance." Caroline smiles at her friends and stands from the bed, looking down at the box. Besides the whole biting thing, Klaus had been nice to her, maybe she should give him a chance. She smiles again and shuts the box, setting it back in the closet. She shuts the closet door and turns back to her friends as the doorbell rings.

"I'll get it, it's probably the pizza." Caroline walks to the front door and opens it, greeting the pizza man warmly. She pays for the pizza and takes it shutting the door after but the pizza falls from her hands and clatters to the floor. Standing in front of her is Mikael with a knife to Bonnie's throat, shackles around her wrist. Behind him, Caroline can see Elena slumped on the floor. "Mikael."

"If you're smart, you'll come with me." Caroline looks to her left at the spot where she'd hidden her white oak stake. She wouldn't make it in time, not without Mikael killing Bonnie. "So what's your choice, my dear? Come with me or death for you and your witch friend?"

"Fine. Just take me and let her go." Mikael reluctantly lets Bonnie go but knocks her out before he roughly grabs Caroline by her arm and speeds away.

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