Chapter Seventeen*Edited*

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Mateo stands as Angelica frees him from the ropes, his eyes scanning her face as he takes a hold of her hand. Her eyes fell to their interlaced hands, a frown falling on her face. "Mateo-" her voice is cut off as Delores bursts into the room with the shotgun. Her eyes widening in shock and anger as they fall on the pair.

"Cerdo estúpido!" her face hardens as she throws the insult at them.

Mateo glares as his eyes fall on the gun aimed at Angelica; his anger bubbles to the surface as he charges at Delores. He uses all his strength to try and wrestle the gun out of her grasp, each movement had to be carefully executed in case the gun went off. Angelica frowns as she tries to help Mateo, clearly Dolores had some strength to her as Mateo struggles.

Mateo freezes as the gun shoots a bullet, the sound bounces of the four walls of the small room. He hears Leslie shout in concern outside at the sound of the shot. His eyes fall to Angelica as she clutches her arm where the bullet had penetrated, her face going pale as she collapses to the floor in a seated position. Dolores laughes in a menacing manner snapping Mateo's attention to her, "Espero que esto duele como una mierda!"

Delores frowns in confusion as Mateo pulls the gun out of her grasp and hits her in the head with the butt of it. His actions were too fast for Dolores to have any chance to react let alone defend herself. Her legs buckle as she falls to the floor with a loud thud, her unconscious figure causing Angelica to breathe a sigh of relief, they were safe, for now.

"Angelica!" Mateo rushes to her side in a panic, her arm is pouring blood onto her hand and the floor. His hands stroke her pale face as he mutters reassuring words "you're okay" his eyes meet hers. "Your still very sexy" he sends her a wink and smirk making her roll her eyes and laugh slightly only to hiss in pain after.

Mateo scoops her up bridal style, being sure to avoid causing her any further pain. She smiles softly as she rests her head against his chest, the pain was bearable at the moment. He steps outside with a deep frown, the sight of the police catch's him off guard.

Leslie's eyes widen as his heart drops, the sight of his daughters bloodied arm fills him with fear. He was afraid of where she had been shot, the amount of blood was causing his thoughts to become sadly chaotic. He rushes forward with Liam following, his arms reach forward to scoop her out of Mateos grasp. His eyes glare at the man that had caused this, he knew that on some level Mateo couldn't have known he was putting Angelica in danger. But the father in him was angry, he wanted to give Mateo a good punch to the face for allowing Angelica to get hurt.

The police rush past them into the home to arrest Dolores, completely ignoring Mateo and Angelica in the process.

Angelica hisses in pain as her father pulls her gently into his arms, the ambulance arrives just behind him. Mateo frowns at the angry glare he receives from both Leslie and Liam. With one swift movement Leslie places Angelica into the ambulance, her eyes flutters shut as the pain became too much. "Sigues en" Leslie frowns at the paramedic's words, "eh?" the paramedic replies once more in Spanish which only confuses Leslie more.

"He says you follow in your car; you cannot ride with her" Mateo translates for them causing Leslie to sigh.

"That's ridiculous man! She's my daughter!" the paramedic shrugs as he closes the doors and drives off. Leslie kicks the ground with force as he orders Liam and Kenneth to get in the car.

"I am sorry, Leslie." Mateo glances guiltily to his friend.

"Your responsible for this. You promised to protect her, man!" Leslie shouts furiously making Mateo jump.

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