Home Ec Lessons

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Crystal's POV

"Phew! Just in time.", I said as I rested my hands on the chair. "We got lucky this time.", Harmony said. We all took our seats when our teacher, Ms Gireva, came in. Melody was on my left and Harmony was on my right.
Ms Gireva started explaining how to operate the sewing machines. "Now, get into groups of two or three.", Ms Gireva said. Of course me, Harmony and Melody are in the same group. Rinnelle, Kapu and Mattea was one group. Elizabeth and Kesia was together. Loiajoy and Izeula. Jodi and Jemima.
After we all sorted out our groups, Miss Gireva started handing out the instructions for the practical activity. We were going to make a pillow case. During the class, as I turned to look at the window, I saw a quick flash or red light.
I must be seeing things. I thought. But something was just wrong. I could feel it in the atmosphere. Melody noticed me and asked, "Something wrong?" I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and said, "No. E-everything is fine."
"If you say so.", Melody said and turned away to continue working on the pillow cases. After about 40 minutes, we were all done. Me, Harmony and Melody went up in front to give the pillow case to Ms Gireva.
As we were returning to our chairs, I bumped into Mcroy. Mcroy was the boy I had a crush on. We both fall down on the floor. Mcroy quickly stood up and extended his hand. I gently let him pull me up. I quickly apologized. "Oh my god. I am so so so so sorry." Mcroy smiled and said, "No apologies needed. It's okay." I started blushing and Harmony and Melody started to coo over us.
After a little talk with Mcroy, I walked back to my desk. Then, I heard an evil spell.
A red crystal appeared and landed right next to me. I quickly stood up understanding the situation. I heard a evil crackle. The sound I never thought I would ever hear again.
"Hello princess. Enjoying your little chat?", a voice asked. "Who are you?", I asked angrily. "Look up princess." I looked up. I quickly regretted seeing that person. It was impossible. It's...Praxina!

A LoliRock Fanfiction~Princess of EarthWhere stories live. Discover now