Chapter 4

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Light felt odd as he flew across the sky, as if he had something returned to him that was missing for a long time.
It wasn't long until he spotted his old home, a large Mansion that was tucked away in a large forest outside the boundaries of a certain kingdom.

The mansion hadn't been used in years due to everyone moving out, though he still took care of the place wishing his family would return. Wait what was he thinking? Family was nothing more than a human thing, and he abandoned his humanity for his true form as an Angel.

But he was burdened by a feeling deep with in His heart, that he had forgotten something important. "Why does... My heart hurt, and feel warm?" Light asked out loud, not realizing Yuuki had woken up.

As Light landed, he felt something wrap around him. He looked down to see it was Yuuki hugging him, and crying?

"Alex please... Don't kill me...."

"The name is Light, and I wasn't planning on it." Light answered, not noticing the tears that escaped his eyes.

"Does that mean you remember me?"

Light seemed to be in a daze the moment she said that, and he had a flashback to a past long since gone.


"Alex, I would love to become your wife." A purple haired girl said, light still couldn't make out her face. But he knew he loved her, and got closer and kissed her.

"I love you ------." Light said, looking at his soon to be bride.

"I love you too Alex."

[Flashback end]

Light was so focused on his flashback, he didn't notice several teenagers dressed in punk type clothes walking up to him. All of them had some pipes and spray paint, one of then took notice of Yuuki and was filled with lust.

"Hey boys, look what we got here. A new statue to make our own, and a lady who is dressed like a whore." One of the punks stated, walking towards Yuuki who was petrified by fear.

"Come here sugar li-"as the punk got close to Yuuki, he was stopped by something on his shoulder. He turned his head to see a metal hand holding onto it, as he looked to see who it belonged to a large metal fist punched him. Knocking him unconscious. "Don't call my wife sugar lips, or the next thing you see will be your tongue being torn out." Light said, throwing the punk over to his friends.

"Leave now, or I will make sure it's what you guys see as well." With that the punks grabbed their friend, and made a run for it. Light chuckled at this, it reminded him of fighting in the past.

He turned to face Yuuki, his hood hiding his face which was covered in tears. Only to be met by a slap to the face, he was stunned for a moment. Then turned to see Yuuki's face, which was red with anger and joy. "What was that for Yuuki?!" Light exclaimed, holding the cheek she hit.

"That's for leaving me alone, and making me have to find a body!" Then Yuuki hit light again. "That's for leaving me all alone!!" And again "That's for leaving your children here, while going on a rampage!!" And again (A/n:My cheek is going to be glowing red once this is over) "That's for forgetting about me!!" And again "That's for calling Asuna a slut!!" And finally "and this.... " Yuuki suddenly lunged onto the Angel, as she kissed him.

Light was at first angry, but understanding. Now he was just confused as hell, he thought he had done so many wrongs there was no way to Redeem Himself.

"Cause I love you Alex... Even if you have forsaken your human name, I still love you. As your sister always says, love can always overcome anything." Yuuki said, hugging the confused Angel. In Light's mind, his old personality was slowly coming back. But he couldn't take more heartbreak, not after everything that had happened.

"Yuuki..." Light said bringing her into a warm hug, she was surprised at first but embraced it.

In the distance a car was driving towards them, in it was Kirito, Asuna, And Yui.

"Hurry up Kirito, we don't know what he is going to do!" Asuna yelled, pushing Kirito who was driving. "I am Asuna so hold on!"

Light heard the car approaching, he felt somewhat scared to face Asuna and his sister again. Especially after what he said to them, but he was happy to see them again in his full memories.

"Alex?" Suddenly Light felt dizzy, he felt his legs give way and he fell down. He heard someone call his name, but everything went black as he was pulled into the depths of his soul.

[Inside his soul]

"Hey Light there ya are, I was wondering when you would wake up." Someone said, Light opened his eyes to see his former Human form named Alex.

"Oh it's you, ya know I was in the middle of something kid." Light grumbled, getting up to take a look around the room. It was mostly a ordinary school room, with desks and even a chalkboard.

"Yeah but I got bored, you haven't come to talk to me in years. So I read up on some of the old books you gave me, and learnt how to pull ya in." Alex said, snickering away. 

"Fine what do you want?" Light asked Alex, he was kinda worried Yuuki would come in.

"Well since you asked, I wanted to tell you I am still alive back on earth.  Sugou messed with your memories, just to make you think everyone was dead." Alex stated, forming a smile on his face.

This surprised Light, as he remembered that Sugou's technology that allowed him to do that was destroyed.

"Light, Onao is still alive. His soul wasn't shattered, it was taken by Quinella leader of the Underworld."

End of chapter 4

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2019 ⏰

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