Chapter Two

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Tyler storms out of the first double doors he sees into the parking lot, where most of the crowd has left. He's not even sure why he left the building, or where he's supposed to be headed, he just up and left all of his art for no good reason. So the guy was a jerk, what does he care? He shouldn't be so wound up about it. It's just, when he first saw him across the room, he knew he had to meet him. Maybe it was a bit stalkerish, but he saw him and his friend all dressed up, and immediately he was captivated. He kept trying to focus on the people who came up to his booth, but every time he had a minute, his eyes would scan the room for that man with the wolf teeth smile, and almond eyes. Eventually he gave up wishing he would stop by, and got back to greeting people and putting up his paintings. And then he looked up and there he was standing right in front of him. His wolf grin spread across his face, his broad shoulders leaned over the table. 

"I'm Josh" The man said, and his heart beat faster. Josh.

Josh wasn't very tall, but he looked strong enough to pick Tyler up with only one arm, broad shoulders and strong biceps. He wondered for a second if he was a dumb gym guy, but he seemed too soft for the type. He had a brightly coloured tree tattoo stretching up his arm, and it made him smile a bit. It looked like a painting.  Tyler kicks himself now for not asking him what he does, or anything about him. All he has is a name. Josh. And he could be anywhere right now, he could've left with his friend already. What does he care? The guy just vanished without even saying goodbye, left him standing there with the painting. He should just go back inside and finish selling his paintings. This is a big deal for him after all as an artist, he should be proud of himself for taking that step. He gets up off the dirt, and makes up his mind to go back inside and forget all about Josh. He walks back through the double doors and past the taco stand, turning to go into the gym and all of a sudden a man turns around at the same time and Tyler walks straight into him, knocking his taco out of his hand and all over the floor. 

"Dude!" The man shouts, looking up at him. 

Oh damn. Of all people it could've been... Realization flashes on the man's face, and to Tyler's surprise, his irritated expression melts away.

"Dude I'm so sorry, here. Uh. Let me clean that up and I'll buy you a new one." Tyler bends down to pick up the spilled lettuce and cheese with a napkin. 

"Oh no! That's okay. I can. I can get it." Josh says awkwardly, reaching down to clean it up, and for a second their hands brush against each other, and Josh looks up at him with those dark brown, almond eyes. Tyler, focus! 

"Hey, it's basically payback for me leaving all of a sudden like that, so I guess we're even. I'm sorry I didn't mean to leave like that. My friend here had an emergency about a Hermoine so naturally he needed me." Josh gestures to the red headed man in the wizard robe standing beside them awakwardly. 

"Yeah, I did get her number if anyone cares."  Josh laughs and Tyler smiles to himself. 

 I'm just gonna go back inside, I'll meet you there." Tom says, heading back towards the gym doors.

"Alright!" Josh calls after him, and then looks back at Tyler while absently picking up pieces of lettuce.

"Hey it's no problem about the painting, I sold it anyways." Tyler says in reassurance. "And dude. It's probably a good thing your taco hit the dirt. I mean look at all these tomatoes." Tyler says with a playful look, scrunching up his nose in disgust. Josh feigns a look of horror. 

"I can't believe you dissed tomatoes! They are part of the holy trinity of taco toppings, next to cheese and sour cream!" Tyler can't help but smile to himself at Josh's passionate description. 

"No tomatoes on my taco!" Tyler shouts back. And the lady serving tacos looks down at them curiously. They both laugh at themselves and throw away the remainder of the taco bits. 

"Hey, I mean it. I'll buy you another one." Tyler says sincerely.

"No that's okay." Josh says firmly.

"Are you sure? Cause I'll even order tomatoes." Tyler asks, sticking out his tongue after "tomatoes".

"Yeah, but thank you." Josh insists. They both stand there looking at each other for a second, unsure where to go next. Tyler's heart beats faster and he notices how close they're standing. Their hands could touch if he just reached out a bit. Tyler's eyes look him up and down, and he swallows hard. For some reason they're both still staring, and it's definitely past the appropriate time to say goodbye politely and get back to his booth. Which is really what he should do. He looks over at the gym doors and back at Josh. 

"Hey, I should..." for some reason he stops mid sentence. 

"Do you wanna go see a movie?" He asks, before he even realizes what he's saying.

His heart beats even faster than before. Shit. What the hell was that. You don't even know this guy. What are you even saying. 

"Not like right now, I just mean-"

"Sure." Josh interrupts him, with a shy smile. "Yeah, what movie?"

"Well there's an old theatre a few blocks away and it's playing Donnie Darko tomorrow evening, which is obviously the best movie there is; it's got mystery, and giant demon bunnies, and it's all doomsday and drama, and loss, and what even is reality!" He's probably talking too much, but Josh seems amused.

"Yeah it's a good one!" Josh says with a smile.

"Okay, tomorrow at 7." Tyler says.

"Tomorrow at 7." Josh smiles. His almond eyes glistening behind his thick framed glasses. Tyler's stomach is filled with butterflies, and he's straight up giddy, but he tries to play it cool while walking off. He looks back behind him to make sure Josh isn't looking, and then pumps his fist three times and jumps up with excitement. What the fuck is he doing. He just asked a guy out that he just met that could very well be straight and have no idea what's going on. Tyler walks back to his booth, with thoughts swimming around his head and his heart still pounding in his chest. 



He has no idea how he's going to fall asleep tonight. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2019 ⏰

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