
Start from the beginning

"Who are you?" The man asked, his fellow pack mates stepping in closer. Vindicatio rolled his eyes. If they thought he was intimidated, they were dead wrong.

"I think you should be concerned as to what I am, and not so much as to who I am," Vindicatio's chest rumbled with a growl as one wolf stepped too close. "But I suppose I could humor your question with one of my own. Who are you?"

"Chaska. Warrior of the Overcast Pack. What are you doing on our pack land?"

"I'm just passing through. Trying to find my way back," Vindicatio watched as speckled wolf shifted into a lithe woman, she had almond-shaped, honey-colored eyes and long black hair just like Chaska. But unlike his, her hair was left to drape down to her lower back in loose curls.

"Maybe we can help--,"

"Odessa, "Chaska said in warning, letting out a growl as Odessa took a tentative step towards Vindicatio, the power radiating off of him was intimidating.

"Chaska." She returned in the same tone, "it's the right thing to do. Besides, the sooner we help him leave the sooner he'll be off pack land." Chaska grumbled incoherently under his breath not wanting to admit she had a point. "We can bring Talise and Moki with us." A russet-colored wolf along with a sandy colored wolf lifted their heads at the mentioning of their names.

"Fine." Was all Chaska said as he glowered at Vindicatio.

"I apologize on my brother's behalf, ever since he got his warrior position he thinks he's at the top of the totem pole. Now, where are you headed?" Odessa questioned as she peered up at Vindicatio.

"There's a wolf sanctuary. There's something important to me there."

"You're a Domestic?" Chaska butted in, spitting out the word domestic with disgust.

"Far from it," Vindicatio's eyes flashed a bright gold forcing Chaska to lower his gaze.

"It doesn't matter anyway. We know where it is, don't we, Chaska?" Odessa stated, her narrowed gaze landing on her brother expectantly.

"The general area, yeah. It's pretty far from here. Let's get a move on now!" And with that Chaska shifted back into his wolf and took off, followed by Talise and Moki. Odessa took a few steps forward as the tips of Talise and Moki's tails disappeared over the side of a small hill. She paused before peering over her shoulder.

"You coming?"

Vindicatio willed himself to return to his wolf form once again walking past Odessa. He felt her hand run over his spine, whipping around he found her speckled tan and white wolf with a look of amusement on her face. She broke out into a run, rushing past Vindicatio and down the hill shortly catching up with the others her tail swishing excitedly as they jumped around awaiting Vinidicatio's presence.

He lifted his head and bound down the hill shortly catching up with them, not at all winded from his light jogging pace. Talise and Moki eyed him warily as Chaska barked out and turned his head west before taking off again everyone following behind him. Vindicatio kept a few paces behind them because he could tell that they were on edge with him being too close, he wasn't an absolute animal. They were helping him after all, even if Chaska rubbed him the wrong way.

They ran across clearings, weaved between trees, jumped over fallen logs, scaled hillsides, and crossed a few small streams before the silver moon broke out through the cloudy sky overhead.

Chaska shifted first, digging around in a tree before pulling out some articles of clothing. He tossed them out to everyone and slipped on a pair of shorts of his own. The others soon followed, Moki stepped out first. He was a tall young man with an athletic build and unruly brown hair that stuck up in all directions. Soon after Talise joined, she was tall as well, she had the build of a pack hunter and her dark red hair was chopped into a bob. Vindicatio watched as the last member of the group, Odessa, joined them, running her fingers through her hair before twisting it into a bun and jabbing a stick through it to hold it in place. They were all dressed in minimal and plain clothing that looked as though it had seen better days.

Vindicatio looked at the worn-out olive green khaki shorts on the ground next to him. They made him think of the clothes that crazy old woman and Syretia had provided Ettore with. He closed his eyes for a moment before deciding to shift and push his emotions aside. One step at a time.

He slipped his long legs into the slightly over-sized shorts that were even loose for his muscular build. The group was gathered around a small fire chatting amongst themselves, breaking out into laughter occasionally. It didn't bother Vindicatio, he figured he wouldn't understand what they were talking about anyway. He stepped through the shrubbery and walked along the moss-covered forest floor until the bottom of his feet met the cold gray slate that led to the cave that they were all going to sleep in for the night.

It reminded him of the cave he had found when he had taken control after Syretia had called Ettore an animal. Ettore wasn't the animal, he was. He let out a growl.  He knew what it was like to be suppressed in the dark recesses of one's mind, close to the brink of death. And now the one he was once suppressed inside was in that very situation. But he couldn't bring himself to feel guilty about it. Sure, he was empathetic but he didn't wish to swap places. He just found his freedom after all.  

He could make out a petite silhouette illuminated by the silver moon, he took another step forward. Odessa.

She turned her head, the light rays from the moon shining on her bronzed skin. "Had to escape the group too?" Her melodic voice filled his ears.

"Didn't even try to join them. I have nothing in common with them.. or you, I suppose," he stated as he sat down next to her, draping his legs over the edge. He looked over to see her kicking her legs absentmindedly. "Do your wolves have names?" She laughed.

"No of course not. It's not like we can talk to them. All we feel is their emotions and instincts. Why? Did you name yours?" He was originally a wolf, right? Why did he have a name?

"His name is mine," he decided on, looking down at the rocky filled gully below.

"And what's your name?"




"I'll just call you Vin."


"Yes, it's a nickname."

"I've never had one of those," he smiled to himself. "Vin. I like it. Do you have a nickname?"

"Lots," Odessa smirked, "some good, some bad, some dirty, some derogatory." She sounded somewhat proud as she progressed along with her list. Vindicatio wasn't sure why, until she noticed his perplexed expression and explained. "The worse they are the more they motivate me. It's twisted, in a way, I suppose." Vindicatio just nodded, watching as she stood up her loose, cotton dress brushing her thighs. "I'm going to bed, the others will probably be up for a while and I'll have to be the one on top of things come morning." She dismissed herself, walking into the dark mouth of the cave. Vindicatio plucked at the stray strings on the shorts he was wearing. He wondered if Salvatore had discovered him missing yet and if he was already hunting him down. If Salvatore reared his ugly head anytime soon Vindicatio decided that he would disperse from the group, they didn't deserve to be dragged into it.

He stripped off the shorts shifting into his wolf form, he entered the cave and found Odessa's wolf curled up on her dress. He shook his head laying down at the mouth of the cave, letting his protective nature take over. He rested his large head on his massive paws and watched the tree branches and tall grass begin to sway. After a while, his ears perked up at the sound of approaching footsteps he watched as Moki and Talise's wolves bounded through the tall grass and shrubbery yapping and nipping at each other like a couple of pups. He rolled his eyes letting out a growl making them immediately shut up and tuck their tails under their legs as they hustled into the cave laying down by Odessa. After a few moments, Chaska's wolf appeared, his nose in the air as he stepped passed Vindicatio, laying down at the other side of the mouth of the cave. Vindicatio rolled his eyes, getting up and walking to the back corner of the cave. He couldn't sleep with the moonlight penetrating his eyelids anyways. He let out a huff flopping down onto the cold cave floor, closing his eyes. 

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