Chapter 30: Getting the Hang of This

Start from the beginning

"Uh! Todoroki wait!" Mina called.

"Hm?" Shōto turned around to look at her.

"Do you and (Y/N) really not have a relationship like that?"

"You'll have to be more-"

"No girls, we don't. We're just childhood friends who were separated and reunited here at Yuuei. Now please, we'll be getting our licences soon and I need some form of control over some part of my quirk."

I bidded the group farewell and followed Shōto outside.

"Where will we be practicing?"

"Just out here with Midoriya," he explained.

"I thought you were training me," I said a little confused.

"I would but I'm tired so I asked Midoriya to help you since he's learning how to control his own quirk. I'm just here to keep things under control."

"I see. Oh. There's Midoriya."

We come to a halt and I called out to my friend.

"Izuku, we're here!"

"(Y/N)!" Izuku closed his book and walked over to us. "You ready to go?"


"G-Great!" Izuku's face slowly started turning red.

"Midoriya, are you okay? Your face is turning red," Shōto asked with a hint of concern.

"I-I'm fine!" Izuku squawked.

"Are you sure?" I asked, placing the back of my hand against his forehead. "You're really burning up."

"I'm s-s-sure!" he replied in a high pitched voice, his face a dark crimson now.

Izuku then cleared his throat and slapped his cheeks. "Right! (Y/N)! Let's get your quirk under control!"


"I think the best way to see what level of control you have with your quirk will be a very quick fight. I want you to hit me with each aspect of your quirk."

"Wait, so I need to perform four attacks with fire, wind, darkness and light?"


"I'm not too sure about this Izuku..."

"Just try it!"

I pushed down my worry and tried to launch a fireball at him.

"Well that totally failed," I deadpanned.

"No it didn't," Shōto said looking at Midoriya.

"Huh?" I followed his gaze and saw Izuku lying on the ground. "What the juice?! Izuku are you okay?"

"Yeah...ugh, did you mean to attack me with my own shadow?"

"No... I was trying to throw a fireball," I sighed.

Izuku sat up and looked at me. "(Y/N), how are you treating your quirk?"


"He means how are you using it," Shōto explained.

" an on and off switch I guess. I only use it when I need it and try to focus on summoning one aspect of it."

Izuku jumped to his feet and clapped his hands together making me jump and set myself a blaze.

"Oops, sorry but I know why you can't control it. You're making the same mistake I did. Your quirk is apart of you as a human being now. To turn it on and off in only the parts of your body where you need it is like turning your organs on and off when you need them. I kept breaking bones because I kept the power focused to where I needed it instead of having it flow through my body. I still do now, but that's because I keep going over the limit I set for myself but the difference is I now allow my quirk to flow through my being. You're treating your quirk in a similar way. You're activating it to one part of your body only when you need it and trying to summon just one part of your quirk. Like I said, your quirk is now you. Let it flow through you and you'll be able to use it more efficiently then before. You'll be amazed by the sudden improvement."

{HIATUS} Quirkfull Hero: Izuku Midoriya x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now