Chapter 27: Everything I've Got

Start from the beginning

The girl let out a half hearted chuckle.

"And miss witnessing the action first hand, no thanks," she mused miserably.

A sudden gust of wind cut their conversation short forcing Gran Torino to tighten his grip around (Y/N) whilst he tried to keep the two of them from blasting off.

Once the smoke cleared, they looked back to see All Might standing with his fist raised up high in triumph.

"He did it..." (L/N) whispered as her tired eyes took in the scene in front of her.

All Might transformed back into his muscular form.

"He shouldn't be forcing himself like that," Edgeshot commented.

"Let him... Just let him... He's doing his job," Gran Torino stated as he stole a glance down at the girl in his arms who had went limp due to passing out.

Whilst the heroes conducted rescue operations, All For One was arrested and All Might glanced his way for a moment.

He then proceeded to point at a camera only saying the words, "You're next."

Time skip brought to you by this wonderful arc

(Y/N)'s POV:
It had been several days since All Might imprisoned All For One, the man who stole and returned my quirk.

I've been told I had passed out during that time period, only to wake up alone in Yuuei's infirmary during the evening last night.

Yagi's friend, Naomasa, came to see me about an hour after I had woken up. He asked me about what happened but I didn't answer any questions, just as I had eaten nothing since I had been kidnapped from the training camp. Naomasa eventually left after hoping for my quick recovery.

Now I was in Nezu's office with Yagi, Aizawa and Vlad King.

I tuned out their conversation as well as the visit to Jirō's place.

It was once we reached Bakugō's household, that I started to pay attention.

"Right, yep, take him," Missus Bakugō said as she slapped her son around his head.

I watched them argue with a blank face, the two paying Katsuki's father no regard.

I feel sorry for the dude. I mean he has a son with a shitty attitude to deal with and the coolest fucking wife around who's personality happens to clash with her son's.

Unsure of how to approach the situation, Aizawa apologised to the family of three.

"Hah?! Oh, you mean the dorm? I should be thanking you! Katsuki here ended up to be able to do anything without even trying and even got blessed with talent too. He got showered with attention by everyone and that got him to where he is now. Ass constantly kissed...even over the most shallowest of things. That's why I really appreciate what you said back at the press conference. Thought 'Ahh. Really glad Yuuei can really look after him.' I won't lie, I was worried there for a sec'. I didn't know how things would turn out. But hey, he made it back in one piece so there might be some strong blowback but in the end, I think I can trust 'em."

Katsuki's mother turned her head to her husband who nodded his head in agreement.

The three of them bowed their heads, well Katsuki was forced to, and his mother said, "He's a helpless little hellion but please work him hard and make him a good hero."

Aizawa and I said nothing until that silence was broken by Yagi's growling belly.

I elbowed his ribs when he agreed to let the Bakugō's get us all a drink.

{HIATUS} Quirkfull Hero: Izuku Midoriya x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now