Chapter 26: If Only

Start from the beginning

That's when he snapped. "What kinda-"

"Shut up, both of you!" Dabi demanded as he went back to watching the broadcast on screen.

"We will now air a segment of Yuuei High School's apology press conference which took place earlier tonight."

You forced yourself to sit up on the floor and turned your head to the TV screen and watched the footage playing.

"Even Mister Aizawa..." you whispered recalling how much he hated the media.

You watched further as the staff present answered the questions of the press.

Given that Yuuei went ahead with the Sports Festival this year, everyone should already be aware of our... No, the staffs' stance on this but with the questioning going this far... Our teachers... Are being treated like the bad guys...

You listened to Tomura's little speech about how society expected heroes to be perfect.

You even listened to what Spinner added on.

"And I know you love to win," Shigaraki concluded as he spoke to Bakugō.

You turned around and looked at your friend.

"Dabi, untie him," Tomura ordered.

"Huh?!" Dabi said confused by the villain's request.

You whipped your head back around to look at the light blue haired male who made the odd request.

"He'll go wild for sure," Dabi stated matter of factly.

"It's okay, we've gotta treat him as an equal. We're scouting him after all," Shigaraki started. "Besides, our Yuuei student should be smart enough to know he can't win before throwing a tantrum. We do have his little friend all tied up too."

You grinded your teeth as you sent the red eyed man a hateful look.

"Hey! I'm not that short jerk weed!" you fumed.

Ignoring your outburst, Dabi tossed the keys to untie Bakugō's restraints to Twice and told him to do it, "And let the girl go too. He might cooperate a little more if she's free too."

"Me?! No thanks!"

Despite what he said, Twice proceeded to undo your restraints followed by Bakugō's.

As you rubbed some feeling back into your wrist, Mr. Compress apologised for taking the two of you by force.

Shigaraki made his way over to Katsuki, ignoring your presence entirely.

Once his restraints were off, just as you did Katsuki rubbed his wrists before attacking Shigaraki.

The disembodied hand that rested on his face fell to the ground.

"Thought I was gonna croak of old age while listening to you guys yap? I can't stand morons like you. Get to the damn point!"


"Basically, you're saying, 'We wanna cause trouble, be our pal!' What a joke!"

"Katsuki..." you whispered as the boy rose to his feet.

"I've always admired All Might's triumph! No matter what any of you jerks say, nothing will ever change that!"

"At that moment, the worse case scenario I could imagine, was the deaths of my students."

Aizawa's voice rung out loud and clear as you turned your attention back to the TV.

"Bakugō's behaviour is like that because he has strong morals and convictions on becoming a hero. He pursues the title of the top hero with everything he's got. If the villains have mistaken that for weakness, then their thought process is indeed superficial."

{HIATUS} Quirkfull Hero: Izuku Midoriya x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now