Chapter 4 Face your fears

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Pytron 12
Forsaken training grounds
Few days after the awakening.
12.05 local time

Jaune, Teal, Zarash, a male zealot and a female centurion can be seen at one of the training fields. Jaune, Teal are wearing training armor and protoss blades , staring at the Zealots at the other side of the field while Zarash silently watches. Suddenly the zealot charges toward Jaune blades ignited startling Jaune and breaking his concentration shutting down Jaune's blades. Seeing this Teal steps in front of Jaune meeting the zealot's azure blue blades with his verdant green one. The zealot steps back revealing his partner charging at Teal. Teal side steps the charge while slashing with his blade. However when his mechanical leg touches the ground it gives up causing the attack to miss which the centurion exploited by striking Teal with all her strength twice causing Teal's shields to shatter like glass and throwing Teal out of the field. Now both protoss turn to Jaune who is still struggling with his Psionic blades. When Jaune looks at his opponents he feels their presence. One of pity and disappointment and one of disgust and rage.

Jaune didn't know these warriors personally but he did know them trough the Khala. The zealot Fotriox is one of the four that found him and Teal while the centurion Ilyznia is one of Zarashes closest friends.

Suddenly Fotriox charges forward his psionic and cybernetic enhanced speed making him disappear for a moment before reappearing landing a powerful blow on Jaune's plasma shields shattering them. Fotriox was not done however and kicked Jaune sending him to the ground. Jaune was sure Fotriox would have continued if his already raised hand wouldn't have been grabbed by Ilyznia.

"Pathetic" Fotriox 'growls' as he leaves the field.

"Are you okay young one?" Ilyznia said while walking towards Jaune.

"Y-yeah I'm fine." Jaune responds the wound inflicted by Fotrioxes kick already being healed by Jaune's Aura.

Jaune looks around himself seeing Zarash talking to Fotriox and Teal testing out his leg.

Seeing this Ilyznia starts heading towards Teal Jaune right behind her.

"You both need to work on your concentration. Teal you were able to keep your blade activated perfectly but forgot your leg causing it to shutdown on you. Jaune you were too easily startled causing your blades to shutdown. Both of these are mistakes that will cost you your lives in a true battle." Ilyznia broke down the battle for the boys.

"That's easy for you to say you can process multiple thoughts at once at lighting speeds." Jaune groans out.

"And so can you! Your mind is just not familiar with it... In time you both will be able to keep your equipment working without even thinking about it and do so much more at the same time..." Ilyznia calmly reassures.

Both boys just nod silently.

"Now lets take a 30 minute break. I think that is the time Zarash needs to convince Fotriox to fight again." Ilyznia says while looking towards the other two protoss.

"What's with him..." Jaune asks while looking at Fotriox.

"Your connection cant give you all the answers after all." Teal says with a chuckle.

" I don't know... It's like I am somehow unable to see his mind... I feel hat its there within the Khala but I can't access it." Jaune continued.

"He must be actively blocking you. It is Fotriox I wouldn't be surprised." Ilyznia answered.

"But why..." Jaune asked.

Ilyznia gives a mental sigh before explaining.

"Fotriox sees you still as just Terrans. And he still shares the dammed views of the conclave meaning that to him you are a couple of worthless lower lifeforms that should never be given the privileges of our people..." Ilyznia explains with sadness and a hint of rage apparent in her mental voice.

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