Chapter 2 Guestions and Answers.

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Location: Pytron 12
Time (local): 10.00
Jaune POV

I awoke from a nightmare of my time in beacon. First I took time to calm myself then I started to wonder where the heck I were. I were in a big gold white and blue room with these strange crystals floating everywhere.

I were very confused so I started backtracking trough my memories.

"Ok I was leaving Beacon, I beat up Cardin, ran into assholes who wanted to kill me, got saved by Teal who got his leg cut off... Holy shit where is Teal!?" I think for my self before looking around in a panic trying to locate Teal.

"Calm down your friend will be ok." I hear a deep melodic and echoing voice saying in my head freaking me out.

I look around until I see a tall humanoid creature standing in the corner of the room. It had blueish grey skin and verdant green burning eyes. It wore gold and platinum armor with purple cloth here and there and a purple cloth as a face mask.

"Also your thoughts were not as private as you thought." the voice said as the creature tilts its head a bit.

"What!!?" I yell surprised and confused.

"We should start over. En taro Adun friend. My name is Zarash I am a dark prelate of the protoss and one of the two commanding officers in this base. We detected an unnatural energy signature and I and four Zealots went to investigate. Once we arrived at the site we found you and your friend lying there unconscious with a Xel'Naga artifact. After assessing the situation I decided that it would be best to get you here for questioning." the creature now named Zarash told.

"What the hell..." I thought but I was interrupted by Zarash.

"Once again your thoughts are not as private as you think. I can sense the confusion in you. Please ask and I will answer." Zarash said.

"Ok first where is Teal?" I start.

"your friend is in the med bay getting a cybernetic leg. He'll be ok." Zarash reassured.

"Ok second where are we?" I continue asking.

"We are in a nexus a sort of command center for my people." Zarash calmly answered. 

"Right how about what exactly are you?" I continue.

"I am a protoss part of the Nerazim tribe to be specific. We are gifted and advanced people. We use telepathy to communicate but the way we use telepathy depends on are we still connected to the Khala a sacred union of our every thought and emotion. We gain energy in a similar way to the photosynthesis of plants. Is this a sufficient answer?" Zarash explained.

"Yeah. The Xel'whatever what is it." I ask.

"The Xel'Naga are extremely intelligent and powerful creatures that uplifted our people. After that we have worshiped them like gods. You and your friend were found next to a relic of theirs. Items of wast power but beyond our current understanding." Zarash answers.

"Then whats this about the privacy  of my mind?" I ask.

"After we found you we stopped ourselves from eliminating you for one reason... You do not appear human, at least anymore... now you resemble a hybrid of protoss and human which should not be possible." Zarash said in a almost confused tone

"Uuh WHAT!?" I yell out in confusion trying to find a way to look at my self.

"Our current theory is that the relic we found near you transported you to this planet and tried to change your biology to fit that of the planets inhabitants witch is us." Zarash said While giving me something that can serve as a mirror.

Nothing seemed too much out of the ordinary except the strange cords coming from the back of my head.

"Those are nerve cords, a conduit of our races psionic potential and our connection to the Khala. if cut we lose our connection to it and and will start bleeding psionic energy witch will kill us if not treated." Zarash explained.

"If they are unique to your people why cant I see them on you?" I ask.

"Because as a Nerazim I have cut mine." He says while showing what remains of his nerve cords.

"We Nerazim rejected the Khala because we feared it might destroy our individuality and the people who enforced it as a one and only religion. Even though we have now gotten over those fears we still ritualistically remove our  nerve cords to honor millennia old tradition." Zarash continues.

"Uhm am I connected to this Khala?" I ask.

"Most likely but not opened to it witch explains how you do not feel the emotions of the other khalai protoss' feelings currently." Zarash said.

"This is a big thing why am I so calm?" I ask with a sigh.

"Even though your not open to the Khala the positivity of your fellow khalai flows trough calming you down." Zarash said.

"That sounds like an easy way out of not somebody not knowing how to write a character reacting to something like this." I say frustrated.

"Oh oh." TAEK says in his head making sure his thoughts are not relayed trough telepathy.

"But I guess I'll take your word for it." I continue with sigh.

TAEK blinks away and then back with some tape and starts repairing the immersion while muttering something about being too nice giving too much freedom of will.

"I sense that you want to see your friend lets head to the med bay." Zarash says ignoring my last two statements.

"Yeah lets go." I answer.

A/N: I steps away from the fourth wall tape still in my hand. Well I did not fully intend the questions and answers take this long or have so many words. But I wanted to Reveal a bit of the protoss seeing some people reading this might not have played starcraft. Rest of the things that the protoss are capable of will be revealed later trough the course of x amount of chapters before the return to Remnant. But for now en harudim Zeratul (if I remember correctly en harudim is in honor of (chosen war hero) and used as a formal good bye.)

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